The minute one utters a certainty, the opposite comes to mind.

I feel like every day, every minute I have to make the most of.

I can't remember that I ever had just a minute of stage fright.

One minute I was a PR intern, the next I was Miss South Africa.

From the minute I wake up until I go to bed I think about food.

I enjoy the work, I enjoy every minute of my professional life.

I don't make plans anymore. So I'm not living minute to minute.

I've loved every minute of every hour I've spent doing theatre.

I was only a leading man for a minute; now I'm a character actor.

I can change a No. 1 diaper in 30 seconds and a No. 2 in a minute.

So I say keep yelling and hustling every minute you're in uniform.

I write thank-you notes the minute I throw the wrapping paper away.

The way I work, typically, I do everything at the very last minute.

The minute I started being recognised, I became much more discreet.

I have my mother's hips. The minute I eat it, it ends up on my hips.

We Brazilians, happily or unhappily, leave a lot to the last minute.

My films are like clouds: their meaning keeps changing every minute.

The minute you succumb to outside pressure, you cease to be creative.

I'm a lucky guy. I don't take for granted, for one minute, what I do.

Greatness can never be over because you can lay it down for a minute.

Fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run.

I drink Diet Coke from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed.

Fox would hire me in a minute. And believe it or not, CNN would, too.

The minute I stop singing orally, I start to sing by playing Lucille.

We have to live life with a sense of urgency so not a minute is wasted.

I did Polyester, and I don't regret one minute of it. It was wonderful.

News events are like Texas weather. If you don't like it, wait a minute.

I loved every minute of my three years majoring in classics at Berkeley.

What I have to work with is the life that's ahead of me right this minute.

Everyone has an ego. Even someone that doesn't play one minute has an ego.

Musicians are always gigging and never have a chance to stop for a minute.

We are actually living in a million parallel realities every single minute.

Whatever you do, life don't stop. It only sits a minute and dreams a dream.

I can't stand the gossip of celebrities' lives, all the time! Every minute!

The minute you think you've got it made, disaster is just around the corner.

We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.

I don't believe for a minute that women really want to be understood by men.

One minute you can be the blue-eyed boy and the next match you can be slated.

I remember. How many minutes do I have left President? About one, one minute.

The minute you start putting words on paper you're eliminating possibilities.

The minute the money is more, you lose your control, so then there's no point.

I don't want to die as long as I can work; the minute I can not, I want to go.

My favourite quality workout is 6 X 5 minutes with 1 minute rest between each.

You have to fight till the last minute of the last game if you want to win it.

As an actor, the minute you start getting real in interviews, you lose mystery.

Music is not just a part of my everday life, I'm surrounded by it every minute.

It can take the uninitiated a minute to realize that 'Gangnam Style' is satire.

I love my passport. I plan trips very last minute, so I always carry it with me.

The minute I went into business, I was a success, and I've done well ever since.

I will do my job: I will try to win every game until the last minute. That's it.

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