I work out every day - and my daily routine is a mix of functional and strength training.

I usually have my protein at lunch and my carbs at night - I don't mix protein and carbs.

I think it's better not to mix professional life and personal life - although it is hard.

I like to mix it up, so I do Parkour, play football, dance... I am a dancer, essentially.

One could laugh at the world better if it didn't mix tender kindliness with its brutality.

There is a volatile mix, and that's because we're all intense. And there's no denying that.

Fear is destructive. Fear and creativity don't mix. Ultimately, it doesn't do you any good.

I've always been a bubbly guy who wanted to mix and have some banter when the time is right.

I love yoga, pilates, boxing, spinning, and weight lifting and tend to do a mix of them all.

I wasn't just known as one of the singers in Little Mix, I was known as 'the fat, ugly one'.

I love to get out there and sweat and mix things up, whether I'm on the field or in the gym.

I do not mix up Bush's America with the American people. The American people are our friends.

I don't like to mix my personal and professional life. Both are different, and I don't mix it.

I grew up around a lot of foreign people - it was a big mix but there were never any problems.

I was a left hooker, and I loved hooking. I also really liked to jab and mix it up right away.

Like our juxtaposed name, Blackpink, our style is a mix of strong and powerful but also girly.

I find life a mix of humor and pathos, and all my books reflect that to one degree or another.

My sound is a mix between pop, hip-hop, and R&B. It's a good collaborative effort of all three.

Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.

I don't understand business minds. I consider myself an artist, and they just really don't mix.

Just because you can buy an exploding target, does not mean that it is legal to mix and explode.

I remember that I used to mix with my friends who had brothers and sisters. I was an only child.

There is always a mix of apprehension and excitement before you try songs out on a new audience.

I worry about technical details - did I mix the cello half a decibel too high? Things like that.

I like the mix of stuff I do. I love movies, but I also enjoy performing live and writing songs.

I am a bit sassy, with some sarcasm thrown into the mix, but stoic at the same time - and brash.

I try to go to the gym three to four times a week and mix it up with yoga or a personal trainer.

I love doing Pilates and dance. It's fun to mix things up and change your program every ten days.

My shows are always a mix of songs from all my albums with some rocking covers thrown in for fun.

My mom's family is Russian Jewish, and my dad's Puerto Rico Catholic, so it's kind of a weird mix.

I make work a bit like how you mix cocktails - with ingredients like budget, history and location.

My December is typically one big, sweaty 'wintry mix' blur, not a punch-laden, heartwarming mixer.

We see natural gas as an important part of the electricity generation mix for many decades to come.

A city grows like an organism. It is a structure of living and working together a mix of functions.

It seems to me that everything that happens to us is a disconcerting mix of choice and contingency.

I'm just a weird mix of immature and intelligent and I like to share my point of view and who I am.

Bands like Little Mix do represent youth culture because loads of 16 year old girls listen to them.

I wanna keep rapping, I intend to. It's good to mix it up, but I'm still gonna stay true to rapping.

I don't really like to run or do traditional workouts. I find them very boring. I like to mix it up.

I mix various oils, heat it and apply it on my hair. After washing, my hair feels and looks amazing.

I think in some ways what Snowden is, is he's a mix of a cold war spy novel and post-9/11 spy novel.

Really great entrepreneurs have this very special mix of unstoppable optimism and scathing paranoia.

I remember stealing some pic n' mix when I was seven; when I got out of the shop, I burst into tears.

You always want to have a mix of conservatives and liberals on a panel, especially on election night.

I'm a super-duper over-analyzer. You mix that with self-doubt and pressure, and that's never healthy.

Sweet potatoes are ideal for lazy days: just bake, then mash and mix with yogurt, butter or olive oil.

Through a mix of market forces and regulation, we've brought civilization to the electronic provinces.

Pitchers are smart. They know they are much better off if they mix things up and keep you off-balance.

If you can utilize a guy's talents and not let other parts of the game suffer, you've got a winning mix.

So, it ended up being what you have there, seven songs brand new and ten live songs which is a good mix.

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