Mixing one's wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.

When I'm sitting in the studio, a mix isn't done till I feel it in my gut.

I like to mix the street look with classy and sexy. I call it 'hood chic.'

If you can mix glamor and gags, then you can catch the audience twice over.

I want to try a feminine style but mix it up with sexy or hip-hop elements.

I have lots of friends. I mix with all sorts of people, of all generations.

I try to get a well-balanced diet with a mix of greens, protein, and carbs.

I don't want to mix my work and personal life. They should be kept separate.

Politics is such a torment that I advise everyone I love not to mix with it.

That's my style - to mix a lot of print and pattern and put it all together.

Whenever I've been in the studio with Little Mix I've had the best time ever.

I like to mix things up and I take inspiration from many different art forms.

I don't know if anybody wants to mix their politics with their entertainment.

Hermione Granger is the mix of brain and heart that I've always wanted to be.

I definitely try to mix humour into anything I do, even if it is into a drama.

I like to design funky things, and I love to mix prints and patterns together.

I like to mix and match vintage with designer. It's how I create my own style.

It's better to have a lot of different qualities in the team; it's a good mix.

I believe my customer knows her style and knows how to mix and match your style.

I'm curious about the mix of the effortless bohemian thing with the very modern.

Somewhere in the mix, we forgot the very critical people who deliver the service.

My songs are a mix of my own weird raised-by-wolves perspective and civilization.

I mix my fragrances with body oils - I love body oils, so that's my little trick.

Los Angeles is a very special city. It's a great ethnic mix, a great cultural mix.

It is more important to know how to mix and match the clothes than to spend money.

I mix up my workouts to make sure I get cardio, toning, and strengthening covered.

There are a mix of good and bad people everywhere, be it Punjab, Delhi or Haryana.

I am a Bengali. My mother is from Mangalore so it's a mix of both cultures at home.

The Thirties are a great mix of everyday glamour and something a bit more practical.

I listen to this mix of smooth jazz, independent hip-hop, chiptunes, and anime music.

Mix CDs are interesting. I'm known more for my artist albums and less for my mix CDs.

I sing a mixture of everything from opera, folk music, Broadway. It's a mix of things.

I am laughably aggressive, and the rest of the band is very laid back, so we mix well.

The fashion consumer likes a high-low mix - I want to be a brand that represents that.

Lauren Hill, I always have her solo CD nearby. I have Coldplay, Radiohead, just a mix.

A lot of men tend to mix a couple of fragrances and smell like a flower garden. Avoid!

It's good to mix high street and designer and vintage. I'm a big fan of vintage stuff.

I really love shoes that can go with a lot of different things and mix up a little bit.

I've inherited so much culture, beauty, and love, and I'm the perfect mix of Philomena.

I'm a pretty chaotic person, but I'm also a perfectionist. It's a very unfortunate mix.

You know these love letters mix with whisky, just don't light a match when you kiss me.

When you construct a mix tape, the first song you come out with has to be a barnburner.

Ignorance is not too dangerous. If you combine it with power, then this is a toxic mix.

I love to play with textures and colors. I mix them together like I would in a painting.

I don't want to be a bit-part player, I want to be right in the mix with everybody else.

Our natures are a lot like oil, mix us with anything else, and we strive to swim on top.

I can just be one of those guys that used in the mix, playing 4 or 5 if we play smaller.

The 21st-century mix of jobs is probably going to be different than the 20th-century mix.

Mix one part Denzel Washington and two parts Eva Mendes and you have a nice hot cocktail.

You need a really good mix between young and old, between experienced and hungry players.

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