I don't like doing the same runs. I like to mix it up a lot.

I'm so excited. I love radio and being on the new Mix 102.9.

Nuclear power is an important part of our domestic fuel mix.

Science fiction and comedy are generally a pretty bumpy mix.

It's important to have the right mix of experience and youth.

TV didn't kill radio, it just added something new to the mix.

I have to feel like my grandmother was my first mix engineer.

I am a free spirit. I tell the truth, and I like to mix it up.

I still love working. I still love being in the mix of things.

I mix Indian instruments with Western instruments all the time.

I was taught in Bible college, religion and politics don't mix.

I want to mix, match, take something off, move the ball around.

I'm an actor. I can't afford to have a type. I love to mix it up.

Writing 'Monitor Mix' was a very edifying and inspiring few years.

Before there was radical Islam, immigration and terror didn't mix.

I actually love Little Mix, and I think they're doing a great job.

My exercise regime is a mix of gymming, marital arts, sports, etc.

Acting and directing are two separate disciplines that rarely mix.

When a piece is done, I mix it before going on to any other piece.

Ever notice that Soup for One is eight aisles away from Party Mix?

I like doing both TV and live stuff, though it's nice to mix it up.

A business woman needs a successful mix of design and practicality.

When I am in London, all I do is mix with other people in the arts.

I don't believe in bad and good, I believe we are all a mix of both.

I love the idea of the sartorial mix of fatigues and a great blazer.

Chex mix is this wonderful crunch that you just can't get enough of.

I love to mix everything together. It's really my way to see beauty.

Pretty much everything I've written is a mix of excitement and fear.

This ability to mix people together is something I learned early on.

To stay interested in tennis, I have to mix it up with other things.

My sense of designing is a mix of intuition and intellectual control.

If I'm going to mix gold and silver, I make my accessories all match.

Our dog, Comet, is a Lab/poodle mix. She's goofy and silly and sweet.

My go-to drink is a mix of cukes, kale, apple and other healthy stuff.

I don't want to mix the identities. Noah Drake isn't Rick Springfield.

I play in men's and women's wear, and I kinda mix and things like that.

It's always fun to come in and mix up a show that's been on for awhile.

This mix of willingness and passion made me the businesswoman I am now.

I just take rock songs and mix it with hip-hop and a little bit of R&B.

When I think of revenue growth, I think of the words 'mix' and 'shift.'

In my late teens and early 20s, I started selling mix CDs on the street.

We mix a lot of genres - soul, pop, jazz - but we most agree on hip-hop.

I'm such an eclectic mix of things, but I definitely have an edgy style.

I'm studying art and photography, like film and digital - a mix of both.

I mix up all styles on my albums because that is what music is about now.

I try to mix the characters up and not be second guessed by the audience.

I love doing what I do. I love asking questions. I love being in the mix.

I can't just pretend to be someone else all my life. I have to mix it up.

My idea of baking is buying a ready-make cake mix and throwing in an egg.

Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.

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