I try to mix it up! I do a little Pilates. I do a little Cardio Barre; sometimes I run or do the stairs.

It truly amazes me all the things you can add and mix in to truly transform a plain old bowl of oatmeal.

For me, electronic music is like cooking: it's a sensual organic activity where you can mix ingredients.

Our nation's power plant fleet must include a mix of solar, wind, hydro, natural gas and nuclear plants.

I think it's important to not always wear pants and not always wear dresses. You should and mix that up.

We believe that the future of health care is going to involve a mix of old and new methods of treatment.

I should have lived through the '80s, not been born in it. My style is a mix of hip-hop and '80s casual.

Glasgow's really friendly, with this impressive mix of real solidarity and identity that's very personal.

Trump's policies are a mix of fairly traditional things. Even his immigration stuff isn't really that new.

I always try to mix it up with each book - changing tone, changing style keeps the work very vital for me.

What I want to tell people is that you can mix the culture a little bit and it's not always appropriation.

I was wearing leather studded jackets, but I was playing acoustic folk music, so it was quite a weird mix.

I always mix it up. I do everything from yoga to running - StairMaster does wonders for your butt, ladies!

I'm an explosive fighter so I've always got to have that strength, but you've got to mix it with endurance.

I go in and sing the song and arrange it and mix it and that's it. It's no different than playing in clubs.

I love history. I love art. I like to mix it all together, but in the end it somehow has to all make sense.

It's important to always mix the past with the present. I think that makes it feel more authentic and real.

I stick to a mix of cardio and yoga and go for healthy food. I don't believe in starving to get into shape.

Chemicals are really simple. You mix a couple things together and sell it for more than the materials cost.

I actually don't listen to CDs very often. I listen to the radio or if I do listen to a CD, it'll be a mix.

All I know is that when I mix to digital and when I mix to tape I compare them and the tape always wins out.

We moms are beautiful both with and without makeup, but I always love classic colors I can mix with anything.

I'm interested to work with Lucha Underground and as champion that would put me in the mix to work with them.

I mix mayonnaise, ketchup and brandy and a little bit of mustard. This is a heck of a good sauce for seafood.

Every time somebody asks me, 'Oh, when you mix your own music, what are you going to make?' And I don't know.

I really love fish, so I'll mix between that and meat, but I have to have protein. I can't survive without it.

I am a mix of both old classic romance and modern. I think it is up to what suits the two people in love best!

Charity is important; so is being fair and honest and honorable in your business - but you cannot mix the two.

I think that, with homoeopathy, if you get the right mix, it works 20 times quicker than conventional medicine.

Sometimes I'll write something that's purely autobiographical, and sometimes pure fiction, and sometimes a mix.

I like putting things together. The long game. Strategizing. Being able to mix and match personalities of guys.

To my mind, a mix of veterans and rookies is number one on the list of 'things that make a good Avengers team.'

With 'Sharknado,' they've got a great mix of TV and film. This is a film that has film impact in the TV medium.

For years, I have been a strong supporter of clean, safe nuclear energy as an important part of our energy mix.

I have always and will continue to put myself in the mix at the end of every tournament. That's what I play for.

What I like about the 'Underworld' thing is that it's a mix of cool genres, as well as creating its own message.

I do a mix and match of many exercises. But before anything I do, I go for a warm up, as it of prime importance.

I think my style is a mix of quirky, eclectic, bright, and fun, with a really sophisticated feminine silhouette.

I'm sure that is a reason why young people occasionally bash up old people - because the ages don't mix any more.

Anything that's shiny, you can mix together. I love rhinestones with sequins, or baubles with fun gold metallics.

So my humor, I'd say, comes from a mixture of lowbrow comedy shows and highbrow theater. It's an interesting mix.

Nobody can bowl six out of six yorkers. So you have to mix your pace. You have to bowl bouncers, mix up the pace.

I believe that religion and politics should not mix. Both should be a part of somebody's life - but not together.

I want to have Congolese influences but also influences from Dubai and Abu Dhabi and France. To mix everything up.

I grew up around a mix of a lot of people, so I got a lot of different perspectives. As a kid, I appreciated that.

I like pop music. Earnestly. Most of the greatest technicians, mix engineers, and players are working in pop music.

If you listen to my early music, I didn't know how to mix. I barely knew how to record for real, and I didn't care.

Most people think of Las Vegas, and they think of extravagance. But it's really a mix between fantasy and laziness.

I like the mix of something farmlike and something futuristic and artsy mixed together. It's kind of both my worlds.

I work out almost every day, and I mix it up: I do Thai kickboxing. I have a personal trainer. I work out at my gym.

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