Most of my music videos were made for under $200.

I think of music videos as commercials for songs.

I did my own music videos, my own TV commercials.

I direct a lot of TV commercials and music videos.

I've been a fan of Dave Meyers and his music videos.

Music videos, to me, are like an extension of a song.

I think visually, and music videos spark my creativity.

I've loved Michael Jackson, his music, his music videos.

As a singer, I always try to keep my music videos clean.

I've also directed, shot, and edited several music videos.

I love music videos, and I think maybe it's my favorite format.

I don't think music videos are as important as they used to be.

Apart from photography and music videos, I also do graphic design.

Music videos are not as glamorous as they seem. They are very tiring.

There's not a lot of music videos that are totally, totally disturbing.

I started out doing music videos and photography, and I always loved writing.

I guess YouTube is the new destination spot for music videos. That's where I go.

One of my favorite things about sketch comedy is doing parodies and music videos.

Games have has as much an impact on Hollywood filmmaking as MTV music videos did.

I think going on tour, having lots of songs and music videos would be super cool.

I don't watch a whole lot of television, to be honest, but I do miss music videos.

I love music videos, I really do. I think it's kind of sad that it's a dying art form.

When I do music videos, I like to do a take, then see how it looks, so I can correct it.

I've directed web series, music videos, film shorts, and theater. It's just a hat I put on.

I believe that music videos give us an opportunity as actors to play a different character.

So many people have been so supportive of my music, my music videos, everything all around.

When I film my music videos, I always try to fulfill a part of my dream of being a filmmaker.

I'm obsessed with music videos, and I just go on marathons of watching a ton of music videos.

I was working in commercials and music videos, always with the goal of working in feature films.

I began my career as a recording artist, and eventually I started directing my own music videos.

I usually work in music videos, where we shoot, like, 10 to 12 setups and 60 shots or something.

I don't think any artist has really relied on music videos the way I do. It's almost like my radio.

Music videos are like tools that young artists use to earn respect from their peers, to 'represent.'

I think music videos in particular and film in general - it's really good at communicating tone and feeling.

I guess you could say the beginning of my career as an actress was when I started performing in music videos.

Music videos are really expensive, and if I mess it up, it's like, 'Oh, there goes 15,000 dollars,' you know?

I get offers to do huge-budget music videos with big production companies all the time, but I have no interest.

I don't feel as though I've graduated from commercials or music videos. In my mind, they aren't compartmentalised.

I always have one foot in the street, so I know not everyone wants to dress like the women they see in music videos.

When I pull up to music videos, I'm like, 'I've been doing 11-hour days since I was eight-years-old, so I'm not tripping.'

I always would dream of making music videos. Whenever I make music, I always have a visual in my mind. I always see things.

I started casting. I cast music videos, but I kept getting fired from jobs because I was iconoclastic in my ways of casting.

I studied directing prior to acting and I've done music videos and documentaries and things that were sort of well-received.

I vividly remember my mom would put on this VHS of Michael Jackson's greatest hits music videos. I'd watch that all the time.

I was on Tumblr when I was 12 or 13. I was on YouTube, too. I had a channel and made music videos. It had 50,000 subscribers.

We actually make all of our own music videos. Often we come up with the visual concepts at the same time as writing the music.

When I was in N.Y. bartending, I was in a billion music videos. I was in Madonna, George Michael, Salt-n-Pepa - it goes on and on.

My record company had to beg me to stop filmin' music videos in the projects. No matter what the song was about, I had 'em out there.

People love me when I do selfie videos, so I know they like me in music videos as well. Otherwise, I would have just been a playback singer.

A part of 'Happy New Year' is inspired by western pop culture, the pop music videos of Michael Jackson, Madonna and Duran Duran in the '80s.

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