I don't know exactly what kind of training musical theater actors get, but I never had that.

Music is my passion, singing, performing. I play piano and musical theater is my background.

I never imagined that I would have a successful solo career, let alone one in musical theater.

The musical theater is a glorious and distinctly American innovation in the history of theater.

Without a doubt, I'd love to do Broadway. I actually can't wait to get back to musical theater.

I love music, singing, and playing piano (though I'm not very good). And I adore musical theater.

Because I was a dancer, I started going to auditions for musical theater, which forced me to sing.

I did a lot of children's theater in Miami Shores. My base musical theater training happened there.

I've always been interested in music. In high school, I did a lot of musical theater, and I loved it.

I started doing theater, musical theater, because of my sister. She's a singer; she's an actress, too.

I love musical theater. That's what I started off to do when I was 7, and my first show was 'Peter Pan.'

I never wanted to be a wrestler, I wanted to get into musical theater. I always wanted to be on Broadway.

My whole background, my whole life was just lots and lots of theater, a lot of that being musical theater.

In musical theater you have to be very big and very animated, while film and television are more toned down.

That whole world of musical theater was my first love. It's where I wanted to be when I was three years old.

I love theater. That's what I did in Mexico City. I did a lot of musical theater, and it's where my heart is.

What's missing in the musical theater is producers willing to nurture new work, raise the money and put it on.

If I had to put in order what I love to do the most, it would be musical theater, movies, and then television.

Theater, especially musical theater, is a collaborative endeavor. The success of the venture is about the team.

If I'd had more courage, I would've pursued a less commercial path. Maybe I would've gone into musical theater.

I'd taken, like, maybe some African dance classes a couple of times, but I wasn't a musical theater person at all.

Sondheim's work especially, and musical theater like that, just spoke to me so much and taught me so many lessons.

My love of musical theater was certainly not typical. I mean, it was considered to be very, very abnormal, in fact!

I started out really into musical theater. So you can imagine I was super popular. I wasn't awkward looking at all.

When I first moved to New York, all I did was musical theater. That's what I studied at Carnegie Mellon University.

I'm a musical theater guy. That's where I came from. That's where I go whenever I have the chance. It's my first love.

I trained at a conservatory as a mezzo-soprano and was a musical theater major in college so I had a theater background.

I really wished I had done the backpacking-through-Europe thing when I was younger, but I was busy doing musical theater.

I was a ballet dancer and that kind of bled into musical theater. I was constantly in rehearsal for one thing or another.

I don't think theater is dying, and musicals are a great American art form. We've got apple pie, jazz and musical theater.

I've been doing musical theater since I was a kid. And look for a CD from me in the future. I want to write all the songs!

I grew up doing musical theater. I went to a school for musical theater, so that was always what I wanted to do growing up.

'Cabaret' was one of the first pieces of musical theater I saw that showed the possibilities of what musical theater can do.

I started off in musical theater, yeah. It was one of my first jobs; it was in Spring Awakening in London, which was amazing.

I've done music as a hobby, either in musical theater or just jamming with friends, pretty much for as long as I can remember.

I started acting when I was 10, doing musical theater. I was a brunette at that time. I was always cast in all the exotic parts.

Musical theater has sort of always been there for me, but I haven't always treated it with the same reverence as it's treated me.

I got started as an actress doing musical theater, and I always loved 'Grease' and 'West Side Story,' and all those kind of movies.

I mean, musical theater really informed so much of my life. It just so perfectly brings order to chaos, which is why we love theater.

I've always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater.

YouTube came out when I was a sophomore in college, and I feel like I was one of the first people to put musical theater stuff online.

I've always liked musical theater, and getting to do stuff like that where I can just dance around and just be crazy is just super fun.

It's interesting - years ago, I had such bad stage fright during musical theater auditions that I just gave up. And now I'm on Broadway.

I've got quite a low voice, so it's not your typical musical theater voice, but I do love musicals; they're a very different experience.

I avoided the party scene at the University of Miami. I came in to study musical theater, and I felt so behind. I literally knew nothing.

One of the reasons I got into musical theater was Anthony Warlow. I was obsessed with the 'Jekyll and Hyde' concept album because of him.

To survive in a profession like this, you have to have absolute discipline and commitment, and I did not quite have it for musical theater.

When I got to high school, I was going to do sports, but I got kicked off the volleyball team because I kept missing it for musical theater.

I come from musical theater, and a lot of musical theater is about accepting fantasy. I think it is more about just being open and accepting.

I didn't necessarily set out to be in musical theater, but that's where my path has taken me, and I've been loving and enjoying it ever since.

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