Habit: A shackle for the free.

Say what you want about the deaf.

The point is there ain't no point.

One cannot be a part-time nihilist.

What can be broken, should be broken.

Belief and seeing are both often wrong.

Nihilism is best done by professionals.

If you want to scare people, you talk about evil.

Moral nihilism comes with a price we can now see.

Inexpedient: Not calculated to advance one's interests.

Most of us will still take nihilism over neanderthalism.

[R]eligious concepts are parasitic upon moral intuitions.

Christian theology is a hair's breadth away from nihilism.

If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish Him.

[S]ince there is no wrong or right, you just reap what you sow.

There is no one as dangerous as he or she who has nothing to lose.

All human victories, all human progress, stand upon the inner force.

Like other lifeforms, we [humans] exist only to replicate ourselves.

Nihilism is not an existential quandary but a speculative opportunity.

There must be somebody there, because somebody must have said "Nobody.

Are there any good arguments in defence of moral nihilism? I think not.

The negative always wins at last, but I like it none the better for that.

Tragedy is a vision of nihilism, a heroic or ennobling vision of nihilism.

The enemy of liberal capitalism today is not so much socialism as nihilism.

If you could be either God’s worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose?

We should not accept moral nihilism unless we find strong arguments to do so.

Destroy or be destroyed-there is no middle way! Let us then be the destroyers!

Regimes collapse when people are no longer afraid and think they're no longer alone.

The Stars are setting and the Caravan Starts for the Dawn of Nothing-Oh, make haste!

The laws of history tell us that only when the old is gone can the new take its place.

I'm a Nietzschean scholar. I've read an immense amount about nihilism and existentialism.

I think all true stories are hopeful stories. I don't think there's any room for nihilism.

A nihilist is not one who believes in nothing , but one who does not believe in what exists.

Nihilism is not only despair and negation, but above all the desire to despair and to negate.

Science, Nietzsche had warned, is becoming a factory, and the result will be ethical nihilism.

All good things were formerly bad things; every original sin has turned into an original virtue.

Those who believe in nothing are very, very jealous and angry at those who believe in something.

I believe that we are all, openly or secretly, struggling against one or another kind of nihilism.

Everything in the world displeases me: but, above all, my displeasure in everything displeases me.

Our own civilization has lost its way, and this makes us even more vulnerable to Islamist nihilism.

The contemporary rejection of natural right leads to nihilism - nay, it is identical with nihilism.

I don't see any point in nihilism... just as I suppose the nihilist sees no point in everything else.

Peter had a genius for imitation; but he lacked true genius, which is creative and makes all from nothing.

I think there is an element of nihilism about, but I don't think most artists feel their work is meaningless.

I teach you beyond Man (superman). Man is something that shall be surpassed. What have you done to surpass him?

The powerful feed ideology to the masses like fast food while they dine on that most rarefied delicacy: impunity.

The Universe will now be set right. Made over to fit my unique view of what should be. Let Nihilism reign supreme!

You don't realize all the things you have in this world, much more than you need, and you do much less than you can.

Traditional history appears to be the defacto recognition of every evil deed that failed to be stopped or eliminated.

Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat, it's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go!

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