Life is not fair; God is.

Life's not fair, I guess.

Your skin's so fair its not fair

Fair is not fair, but that which pleaseth.

When things are not fair, I speak my mind.

I like not fair terms and a villain's mind.

It's not fair that everybody has to be segregated.

Life - life is not fair. But it can be extraordinary.

Mountains are not fair or unfair - they are dangerous.

I don't get to keep the dresses I wear. It is not fair.

It's not fair the emphasis put on beauty, or on sexuality.

The universe is not fair and it is never going to be fair.

I prefer not to compare teams because it's not fair at all.

It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.

It's not fair that there aren't very many juicy or varied roles for women.

It's not fair for little kids to feel bad about themselves for how they look.

Take heed of critics even when they are not fair; resist them even when they are.

You cannot show people only the petals and not the thorns. It's not fair to them.

I do my best not to have any expectations when I go into a movie because its not fair.

There is no fair use to take something that doesn't belong to you. That's not fair use.

I do my best not to have any expectations when I go into a movie because it's not fair.

There is no need to write about every fight that I have with my wife. That is not fair.

One can criticize the Israeli government, but it is not fair to judge the people of Israel.

The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places.

You can't have your bullpen throwing three or four innings every night. Just not fair to them.

My job as an actor is for you, so why should my private life be for you, too? That's not fair.

It's been painful to see the people that you love be attacked when you know it's not fair or true.

You can't be a losing team and get a new arena. That's not fair. That's not fair! That's how I see it.

I'm not a yes man. When the UFC says, 'Jump,' I'm not saying, 'How high,' because that's not fair to me.

In reality, girls make mistakes, and it's not fair to keep presenting this narrative that they're perfect.

Bush already gave obscene tax breaks to people like me and Warren Buffet, and we are saying it's not fair.

It's not fair that women look in the mirror and feel disgust because of what society has made them believe.

You tell people that the NFL is a nonprofit entity, and they just start laughing and giggling. But it's not fair.

It's not fair that teachers are getting low income to where they get frustrated to where they don't even want to teach.

The same actor plays the role of a thief and a police officer on-screen. It's not fair to look for role models in them.

I can deal with losing as long as one is trying to win. If you're losing, and you're not trying to win, that is not fair.

First, the media blames us stars for not doing more films. But when we are shooting, you want us to take a break. Not fair!

It's not fair to compare one artist to another because they all come with their own sort of elements to the picnic, you know.

But often times, I feel like I'm so blessed, it's not fair. That what I'm doing is not contributing to the good of the world.

It's not fair that people save and work and pay for phones from whatever funds they have, and other people get them for free.

For a long time trans people have always been a joke. Our reputation has always been the bottom of the barrel and it's not fair.

For those looking outside-in, it's not fair - or accurate - to assign someone an identity based off the first thing that we see.

To be labelled a cheat - it's not fair. If I'm a cheat, then prove I'm a cheat or just leave me alone and let me do what I do best.

It's not fair for the U.S. to spend, on arms and weapons, so much money and then not spend on health care the money that is needed.

It's like, 'You're not allowed to change. That's not fair. We like you like this.' But I don't. So let me expand and express myself.

I make aesthetic movies which are grand and with some of the biggest stars. It's not fair to run them down. I don't make tacky films.

What the president is doing is flooding the job market with illegal immigrants that he is giving temporary work permits to. Not fair.

You cannot classify a whole group of people based upon their religion and determine their intent. That's not fair. It's not American.

I don't feel I'm at liberty to speak about the actions of any one CEO. That's not fair; given CEOs have duties to their shareholders.

You can tell yourself that God's not fair, or you can thank Him that He's not fair. If God was fair, we would be doomed and condemned.

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