Extraordinary observations require extraordinary evidence.

You have to experience life, make observations, and ask questions.

Writers are the ones who figure out how to put their observations into words.

Genius makes its observations in short-hand; talent writes them out at length.

Science progresses best when observations force us to alter our preconceptions.

I think there's value in experience and observations that link past to present.

Either data supports the observations or they don't. Voting doesn't work in science.

To observations which ourselves we make, we grow more partial for th' observer's sake.

I am deeply impressed with the way dark matter has explained cosmological observations.

One finds the truth by making a hypothesis and comparing observations with the hypothesis.

In the moment of making films, I want to share my observations of life, not of other films.

A lot of my writing and my detailing of scenes are based on my observations of life in Nagpur.

I laugh at absurdity hardest, then stories, then observations, then bearded men on roller skates.

I was very uneasy about going into cosmology because the experimental observations were so modest.

I am a phenomenologist - I work on developing theoretical models that are constrained by observations.

It doesn't take many observations to think you've spotted a trend, and it's probably not a trend at all.

Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.

Whatever I learned reading 'Scientific American,' nothing can finally compete with your own observations.

Even the best novelists are rarely congratulated on the quality of their observations about contemporary life.

I am inspired by many mediums and use them to express varied aspects of my philosophies and life observations.

I will continue to make films to express my thoughts that come from my observations, from the society we live in.

The fundamental difficulty in myothermic observations is the smallness of the changes involved and their rapidity.

You can learn more from a person just from their observations and how they see the world. More so than just talking.

I can always go back to Jane Austen. 'Mansfield Park' is full of wise aphorisms and relevant observations of people.

Measurements, observations, descriptions can only be considered scientific when they are independently confirmed by other people.

The Tweets that I have written that are most popular are the ones that are the kind of universal girly concerns and observations.

One of the great joys of a creative life is that your observations and loose moments aren't lost forever; they live in your work.

Observations indicate that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate. It will expand forever, getting emptier and darker.

You make observations, write theories to fit them, try experiments to disprove the theories and, if you can't, you've got something.

Throughout my career as a songwriter, I've had a knack for writing songs that were about me and my life experiences and observations.

We are very much what others think of us. The reception our observations meet with gives us courage to proceed, or damps our efforts.

The stories I write are often literal to events that have happened or observations that I've made, and sometimes they're fantastical.

Every science consists in the coordination of facts; if the different observations were entirely isolated, there would be no science.

The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own.

Evolution is a fact. It is the best explanation of what is known from observations. It's a theory as powerful as the theory of gravity.

Of course, life experience changes and adds to writing. And observations change too, where you put yourself in relation to other people.

A mind at liberty to reflect on its own observations, if it produce nothing useful to the world, seldom fails of entertainment to itself.

The real reason why general relativity is widely accepted is because it made predictions that were borne out by experimental observations.

I'm really more prolific than most stand-ups. My act changes. I do fold in new experiences, new observations, whatever you want to call it.

I can encourage my daughter to love her body, but what really matters are the observations she makes about my relationship with my own body.

My duty is that of a chronicler; and if I perform that conscientiously, the lessons which my observations suggest will need no pointing out.

Physics tells us observations can't be predicted absolutely. Rather, there's a range of possible observations each with a different probability.

Your success is in your point of view. It's your life that you're talking about; it's your observations. That's the best lesson that I ever had.

Space and time may have a structure as intricate as the fauna of a rich ecosystem, but on a scale far larger than the horizon of our observations.

I love astute observations and really great wordplay. I love the way that Louis C.K. observes life, and I love the way Patton Oswalt talks about it.

Unadulterated, unsweetened observations are what the real nature-lover craves. No man can invent incidents and traits as interesting as the reality.

It is my intention to present - through the medium of photography - intuitive observations of the natural world which may have meaning to the spectators.

Whenever I work on a part, I look at the world through the filter of the character and I pick things they might use through my observations of real life.

My observations of Japanese naval fighting men, their abilities and equipment led me to believe that they gave a better account of themselves than we did.

There are areas of the Earth that I would absolutely think no one lived in based on daytime observations. But then at night, lights pop up in those areas.

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