I love the Olympics.

I loved the Olympics.

I swam my brains out.

Each Olympics is different.

Olympics is everyone's dream.

Rio would be my last Olympics.

The Olympics is a dream of mine.

Olympics for me is love, peace, united.

I know there's life after the Olympics.

I have always loved the Summer Olympics.

I tried to make the Olympics team in 1956

The Olympics are never just about sports.

Is this the Olympics or One Life to Live?

I think we could really play the Olympics.

Getting to the Olympics was the hard part.

I tried to make the Olympics team in 1956.

I won the Olympics. This is a dream, dude.

I really wanted to come into the Olympics.

I'd love to compete in the Summer Olympics.

The Olympics must be my curse or something.

Going to the Olympics would have been great.

The Olympics: not one of my better memories.

A gold medal at the Olympics is hard to top.

To represent Iran in the Olympics feel great.

I will never be satisfied, like the Olympics.

I will remember all the days at the Olympics.

I've been to three Olympics. I gave it my all.

I will try to win the Olympics gold in London.

Magic is the Special Olympics of entertainment.

Seriously, I love the Olympics so much it hurts.

I've always said the Olympics are special to me.

I didn't think I'd be going for another Olympics.

The Olympics have always been very special to me.

Prior to the 1976 Olympics, I was a 5,000m runner.

I represented Mexico trying to go to the Olympics.

I think my 3:27 for 1500m is worth 7:21 for 3000m.

Everybody at the Olympics are almost at level par.

The Olympics were the most pressure I've ever felt.

The highlight of my career? The Olympics, of course.

My life has been a whirlwind since the '94 Olympics.

Most people just see ski racing during the Olympics.

My will to live completely overcame my desire to win

I never really wanted Big Air to be in the Olympics.

I think the Olympics could help us reach more people.

I'm actually the daytime host of the Olympics on NBC.

It's a great feeling to earn a place in the Olympics.

I hope I will get a chance to compete in the Olympics.

Immediately after the Olympics, I was pretty fatigued.

It was a dream come true for me to be at the Olympics.

It is an honor to represent my country in the Olympics.

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