If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of ...

If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.

I hate long pants.

His voice wore no pants.

Where are your pants, son?

I wear frayed khaki pants.

Home is where the pants aren't

I'm too tasteful for my pants.

I used my pants to illustrate.

I live by the seat of my pants.

I feel like baggy pants are cool.

I don't like tight pants on guys.

Pants get shiny even on a throne.

Up with skirts, down with pants!'

I operate by the seat of my pants.

Tight pants are just uncomfortable.

Put on your big girl pants and deal.

I'd need a good reason to drop my pants

I hate yoga pants anywhere but the gym.

I never wear pants; I only wear dresses.

Poor empty pants With nobody inside them.

I may have a feather duster down my pants.

Why wear pants when you can wear a muumuu?

McMahon 3:16 says 'I just pissed my pants!'

I fly from the seat of my pants, basically.

I went up a pants size during my pregnancy.

Shirts are for pussies. I take my pants off!

Belts are only good for holding up your pants

He unzipped his pants and his brains fell out.

I've learned to dance with a hand in my pants.

I want to catch Mr Whitlam with his pants down.

God is in my head, but the devil is in my pants.

You'll never catch a nudist with his pants down.

Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.

I mean, even in these snow pants,check out my ass.

the church should just stay out of people's pants.

being sixteen in the pants I died full of questions

Why would people spend good money to have my pants?

Look at the ex-demon with his big boy pants on now.

I guessed princesses-in-training didn’t wear pants.

The fans still want to see me, sweat pants and all.

I'm just at home all the time wearing jogging pants.

I haven't tucked a sock in my pants for three years.

Okay, who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?

You don't wear pants that tight unless you got balls.

Anybody else wanna pee their pants and cry for mommy?

My father used to wear the same pants for like a week.

You want The Next Big Thing? Let me take my pants off!

Listen honey, would I lie to you to get in your pants?

Home is where my house pants live. And they're hideous.

Little do women know what big ideas I have in my pants.

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