None but himself can be his parallel.

Art is a harmony parallel with nature.

I legit can not parallel park. This is no joke!

I want to learn skiing and parallel bar gymnastics.

I can parallel park pretty well - I'm a great driver.

I've always thought that parallel parking was my main talent.

I still think in a parallel universe, I became a mathematician.

I am the most skilled parallel parker the world has ever known.

Sensitivity and money are like parallel lines. They don't meet.

The sun is the most parallel light source because it is so far away.

If I had parallel lives to pursue, I would also want one as a painter.

We are actually living in a million parallel realities every single minute.

Parallel societies are exactly that: They exist side by side and rarely meet.

My adaptation on the pitch has gone in parallel with my adaptation to London.

I see a parallel industry for independent music blooming alongside film music.

Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a 'life lie.'

You can give me any of Shakespeare's plays and I'll tell you a parallel African folktale.

I think sports are extremely beneficial for our youth. They parallel life in so many ways.

I came from Hyderabad and didn't know the difference between commercial and parallel cinema.

Doing a scene truthfully is very similar to doing a song truthfully. They're really parallel.

In the early West, law and politics were parallel roads to usefulness as well as distinction.

Political Islam's parallel societies and radicalizing tendencies have no place in our country.

I'm excited about the idea of an act of theatre triggering a parallel creative act of writing.

Time itself is talked about as something that is unusual, that there could be a parallel time.

The tabloids operate in an amoral parallel universe where the bottom line is selling newspapers.

Parallel cinema has not made an effort to communicate in a language the other person understands.

No one likes a show-off, but if parallel parking was an Olympic sport, I would get gold, no probs.

The parallel development in American blues to the British movement has resulted in Johnny Winters.

There's a need to keep the history of an artform going, parallel with the new work that's being done.

I see a lot of patterns in our behavior as a nation that parallel a lot of other historical processes.

Surely our job while we're here on Earth is to learn about the world, not to create parallel universes.

I have stopped looking at roles as lead or parallel lead. Also, I feel these are very misleading terms.

I see a picture right now that's not parallel, so I'm going to go straighten it. Things must be in order.

Sometimes I think people live in a parallel universe when they say all we need are a few more regulations.

People talk about Social Security. There is no parallel between Rhode Island's pension and Social Security.

If I could live a parallel life, I would be a sitcom star; being in front of a live audience would be great.

I'm still living at least five parallel lives, honestly! I wonder about it. I have no idea how that happens.

I'm often associated with parallel narratives or dual narratives. The 'Devil in the White City' was a fluke.

Mushy novels, pretty pictures, pretty sculpture, decorations on the wall, nice parallel lines - make me sick.

How I draw and how I leave things out is parallel in some ways to the non-verbal soundscape in radio stories.

I'm very excited about the resurgence of vinyl which seems to parallel a growing interest in live performance.

Faith: Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.

Every person has parallel tracks. You have your personal life or your life as an artist, or whatever it is you do.

I get plenty of time to re-engage with the world I'm trying to depict, so I'm not always living in these parallel worlds.

In the 80s, parallel cinema gained momentum. So, I got back to films and won National awards for Maqbool' and other films.

I want to create something that doesn't exist exactly in the real world, but exists in a kind of parallel to the real world.

What sort of Europe do we want to have? Parallel societies? Muslim communities living together with the Christian community?

Growing up where I did, the thought of working on a television show or in a movie... that existed on a parallel plane, you know?

The press is writing parallel narrative about my life, especially my married life and nothing about my work. That's media for you.

I was good at math and science, and I got lots of degrees in lots of things, but in a parallel universe, I probably became a chef.

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