To move past fear is a cliche.

s past history and stand alone.

Breed is stronger than pasture.

Our past has gone into history.

The past is more than a memory.

Love isn't love until it's past.

I'm very inspired by past music.

Let the dead Past bury its dead!

I am fascinated with times past.

I do think a lot about the past.

Your past is not your potential.

The past is a pebble in my shoe.

Past tears are present strength.

Learn your past, find your path.

We're not prisoners of the past.

I wonder why we hate the past so.

We can't be beholden to the past.

All tradition is merely the past.

Today's future is Tomorrow's past

Don't live life in the past lane.

I believe my past is my strength.

I will not walk backward in life.

A new future requires a new past.

The present is the key to the past

Everyone must learn from the past.

I have great respect for the past.

I don't like to dwell on the past.

I'm really obsessed with the past.

Be not the slave of your own past.

My past behaviour makes me cringe.

I never look back, I look forward.

There's no sustenance in the past.

Past all shame, so past all truth.

My life is not just about the past.

Genealogists live in the past lane.

I think we agree, THE PAST IS OVER.

Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

We can't let the past be forgotten.

Like Spain, I am bound to the past.

Freedom is about stopping the past.

Any damn fool can predict the past.

You read the past in some old faces.

Embrace your past, but live for now.

I can't. You can't rewrite the past.

DIE in the past. Live in the future.

My soul is not a palace of the past.

God forgets the past... Imitate Him.

Nothing recalls the past like music.

Research can trap you into the past.

I look at the past and I see myself.

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