We can no longer rely on the rules of the past to win.

The Present is the living sum-total of the whole Past.

In every loving woman there is a priestess of the past

Beyond here lies nothin' But the mountains of the past

In your past lies your future. [Acheron Parthenopaeus]

I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.

To live past the end of your myth is a perilous thing.

I want my poor value to exist past me, somewhere else.

Bring the past only if you are going to build from it.

I'm successful in spite of my past, not because of it!

Studying the past may suggest new ways of going wrong.

A woman fallen has no future; a man risen has no past.

The Great Morning which is for all, rises in the East.

Come back and wake me up.....half past May! (the Toad)

The past is always waiting to entangle and deflect us.

The past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.

He is a fool who only sees the mischiefs that are past.

Wizard's Seventh Rule Life is the future, not the past.

The present's just a pleasant interruption to the past.

The past in the hands of historians is not what it was.

I know of no way of judging the future but by the past.

We can take from the past its fires, and not its ashes.

Catch up with your past, before it catches up with you.

Memory is set up to use the past to imagine the future.

I can't go back. The past won't go away in this family.

I write with my past, about the future, for the present

Well, the future for me is already a thing of the past.

Whatever is old corrupts, and the past turns to snakes.

Jews are living in the past and they can't get over it.

Writing history is a method of getting rid of the past.

Nostalgia paints a smile on the stony face of the past.

The past is a kind of future that has already happened.

It's past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act.

Respect the past; you never know how it may affect you.

There is pleasure in calm remembrance of a past sorrow.

The past is the present, isn’t it? It’s the future too.

I'm a first-past-the-post person, and always have been.

The past becomes a texture, an ambience to our present.

You change the past when you change the way you see it.

The only past which endures lies wordlessly within you.

Forgive and call back the energy wasted on past events.

I use memories but I will not allow memories to use me.

May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground.

You mine your own past in order to get to know yourself.

It's important to learn the right lessons from the past.

New York has no truck with the past. It expels its dead.

The past has revealed to me the structure of the future.

It's History that's caused all the troubles in the past.

For the past ten years I have had no financial problems.

I think I have more patience now than I did in the past.

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