Pick the day. Enjoy it– to the hilt.

Get bored with your past, it's over!

Night falls fast. Today is the past.

One is always at home in one's past.

We have to fight the past to survive.

Many try to force the past to change.

I do not intend to prejudge the past.

‎The past is always an invented land.

Use your past as one of your mentors.

Based on past experience, I hope not.

I don't want to live on past records.

In the past, I had workaholic issues.

The past can be tamed and controlled.

Ignore past failures and forge ahead.

The past is where its supposed to be.

Time flies, and what is past is done.

You can’t change the past, it just is

My past is everything I failed to be.

Past failures unlock future successes

Break through the bonds of your past.

Our most merciless enemy is our past.

The past is all we know of the future.

All art of the past must be destroyed.

Interesting people always have a past.

The past can be changed by the future.

The past is the father of the present.

I refuse to let the past find me here.

My future will be better than my past.

The past is the luxury of proprietors.

The past is pregnant with the present.

Posterity will pay everyone their due.

A lot of my past is gone from my mind.

Night falls fast. Today is in the past.

The same yesterday, today, and forever.

Visit your soul; don't visit your past.

It's best to be ruthless with the past.

I'm growing old, I delight in the past.

If time is money/ I'm an hour past paid

My country has no history, only a past.

If you do not like the past, change it.

The past, the future: - two eternities!

We all have appointments with the past.

Pain is no longer pain when it is past.

It is pleasant to recall past troubles.

How long did it take for a past to die?

The remembrance of past misery is sweet.

The past is but the past of a beginning.

The past is certain, the future obscure.

The remedy for wrongs is to forget them.

You can't let the past ruin your future.

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