The past is where its supposed to be.

Here I am, where I am supposed to be.

Being brave isn't supposed to be easy.

I'm not even supposed to be here today.

Entrepreneurialism is supposed to be fun!

Writer's were supposed to be a litte crazy

End times aren't supposed to be very pretty.

We're children. We're supposed to be childish.

For me, art is supposed to be a question mark.

I'm supposed to be a pretty good theater actor.

I was supposed to be having the time of my life.

Religion and politics are supposed to be separate.

Maybe entertainment is not supposed to be reality.

It was supposed to be gross, and now it's gorgeous.

I am six feet tall. I am not supposed to be afraid.

life ain't supposed to be nothing, 'cept maybe tough

Life is supposed to be lived for God and for others.

The Internet was supposed to be the great equalizer.

Don’t put clothes on food. It’s supposed to be naked.

I'm supposed to be writing a book, and I can hardly read.

Everybody is supposed to be a part of their own community.

People are often talking when they are not supposed to be.

I'm a musician because I love it and it's supposed to be fun.

Elections aren't supposed to be for sale... it's that simple.

It's about time! It's supposed to be a ritual, not a marathon.

Living isn't a simple one said it's supposed to be.

Who am I supposed to be again? Just be yourself. But who am I?

Why everything that's supposed to be bad Make me feel so good?

I'm supposed to be this complete slapper, that's my reputation.

I'm reminded of who I am, who I was, and who I'm supposed to be.

Being pregnant is supposed to be the happiest time in your life.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm not supposed to be married.

Relationships unlock certain parts of who we are supposed to be.

It was fashionable, youre supposed to be a married lady, so I did.

Human beings aren't supposed to be controlled and told what to do.

It is never too late or too soon. It is when it is supposed to be.

Earmarks are supposed to be bad. But they don't increase spending.

And who are you supposed to be? the King of snot-nosed delinquents?

Ultimately, it is in fun. It is supposed to be highly entertaining.

Politicians are supposed to be empathetic. And, yes, I am, actually.

Youre supposed to be the leading lady in your own life, for Gods sake!

He really was beautiful. I know boys aren’t supposed to be, but he was.

We're supposed to be the people who make culture, not decorate culture.

Christians are supposed to be evangelicals. And I am. I am evangelical.

I think I've always had a disconnect from what I'm supposed to be like.

If it's supposed to be a really passionate snog, you slip the tongue in.

I knew what love was supposed to be: obsession with undertones of nausea.

We'd all be alot happier if we'd stop assuming we're supposed to be happy.

Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It's like a tattoo that yells at you.

Life is not supposed to be this calcified experience where you don't change.

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