I'm patient.

I am not patient.

I am patient zero.

I'm not very patient.

I'm not a patient person.

I'm not a patient person.

Our duty is to be patient.

I'm very patient with life.

The ideal doctor is patient.

I'm very dogged and patient.

I have learned to be patient.

I'm not a very patient person.

People are not patient anymore.

Who can be patient in extremes?

You have to be patient. I'm not!

Be patient with your impatience.

I'm usually a patient guy anyway.

Beware the fury of a patient man.

Be patient, Ophelia. Love, Hamlet

Keep your head up and be patient.

You just stay patient, that's all.

The Doctor's Motto: Have patients.

Beware the anger of a patient man.

I'm not the most patient of people.

Dann Huff is amazing and so patient.

The patient must minister to himself

Wise to resolve, patient to perform.

Thy peace shall be in much patience.

A gentleman is simply a patient wolf.

We are guests in our patients' lives.

I'm not the most patient of people...

Cure the disease and kill the patient.

I have learnt to be even more patient.

Just follow your dreams and be patient.

Obamacare is, 'Patient, heal yourself.'

The patient is the one with the disease

Be patient and always keep persevering.

Wise to resolve, and patient to perform.

Logic can be patient, for it is eternal.

Beware the wrath of a patient adversary.

He that will be served must bee patient.

Marijuana is beneficial to many patients

Patient endurance attends to all things.

Be purposeful. Be patient, and be active!

I'm not a very patient person in general.

Patients know what patients want to know.

The patient decides when it's best to go.

Etymologically, 'patient' means sufferer.

Swaraj is a hardy tree of patient growth.

Being patient does not mean being silent.

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