If people don't feel they've got your attention, you're not going to succeed.

You're lucky if people like your book, and the more people that like it, the luckier I feel.

At the highest level of your craft, you don't have to play games or make people feel small; you can just embrace.

Seeking approval and people pleasing forces you to alter your actions and speech to no longer reflect what you actually think or feel.

The nice thing about Reddit is, we don't have to sell your data or build a profile of you or do stuff that makes people feel uncomfortable.

There's no substitute to actually being in the room and having people in the room feel the force of your audition. It's very hard to beat that.

Be aware of textural elements throughout a party, like silverware, stemware, and linens. But the biggest element is metaphorical: it's your own touch. How are you making people feel?

When you're 10, 11, 12, and you're watching your idols, you feel like you know them. I found more in common with these people when they talked in interviews than I did with my classmates.

When you are playing someone who is dealing with issues on a really personal level, if you don't bring your own issues into the equation, it's not going to feel really personal to the people watching it.

Clearing your head of distractions in order to notice and understand the people you are with can feel inefficient - there are so many other people and issues to think about. But being present makes you effective.

I write because writing is something that I have to do. And it doesn't matter whether people like it or not. When I write, I feel the pressure and anxiety that come with taking an empty piece of paper and trying to fill it with something from your own consciousness.

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