Business always requires personal relationships.

All things come down to your personal relationships.

The power of forgiveness transcends personal relationships.

Price is not a consideration when a personal relationship exists.

I channel a lot of my own personal relationships anytime I prep for something.

I always want to have a personal relationship with everybody that works for me.

At its core, banking is not simply about profit, but about personal relationships.

In Asia, personal relationships are important, but you cannot personalise diplomacy.

Whenever I am asked about my personal relationships, I politely reply, 'No comments.'

If it is true that we have a personal relationship with God, then that's enough for me.

With everything that comes with music, obviously you lose privacy, personal relationships.

We do have a lot of personal relationships with people who will come to our store or showroom.

Communication is vital when it comes to excelling in the workplace and in your personal relationships.

When you're serving at the local level, you have to build strong personal relationships to get things done.

As regards personal relationships I cannot say that I had any particularly personal intercourse with anyone.

When I first came to the Senate, people in both parties went out of their way to have personal relationships.

Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can buy networking; you can't buy friendships.

That's how me and my friends are. We love our personal relationships, but we have things we want to accomplish.

I've always loved the writing of Aaron Sorkin. He cleverly intersperses big issues alongside personal relationships.

If surveillance infiltrates our homes and personal relationships, that is a gross breach of our human and civil rights.

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.

I don't want to make more friends. I have four kids, I have plenty of friends, and all the personal relationships I need.

I can't remember a picture that has expressed black attitudes and personal relationships as vividly as we've done in 'Cadence.'

You might need a little more nuance in personal relationships. Climbing the work ladder is different from climbing the social ladder.

What drives 90 percent of stuff is not the small tactical decisions or the personal relationships but the big, macro political incentives.

With me, personal relationships are like my religion. I care that deeply about them. I am the complete opposite of a manipulative smoothie.

I think midlife crisis is just a point where people's careers have reached some plateau and they have to reflect on their personal relationships.

If one committee controlled your entire budget, I think you might make some effort to build up personal relationships. I think it is a no-brainer.

The American way was for commerce, personal relationships, and religion to be voluntary. No one was forced to participate in something he didn't want.

We all have very personal relationships to what happened on 9/11 and the events after tracking Osama bin Laden. Nobody can escape from the influence of that.

It [moviemaking] is all a relationship business. It's a personal business. It's all personal relationships, if you're lucky enough to build on one to the other.

Data adds concrete information to a teacher's observations and intuition, but it will never replace experience, personal relationships, and cultural understanding.

To establish personal relationships with the people you work with is stupid, because you never know when the winds will change. I try not to get too close to people.

I wanted a stable job, and I wanted to feel like I was grounded with my family and to have personal relationships in my life that were healing and honest and genuine.

I think the personal relationships I established mattered in terms of what I was able to get done. And I did bring women's issues to the center of our foreign policy.

When I first became recognizable from appearing on television, I abused my notoriety as much as I possibly could, at the expense of both my health and personal relationships.

I've just grown up a lot and started to encounter some of the big decisions of life in terms of what career I wanted to do and figuring out personal relationships and things.

Men would find it much harder because men have such odd personal relationships with each other. They don't really emotionally connect, whereas women do. I think women become very close.

Our minds influence the key activity of the brain, which then influences everything; perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they're all a projection of you.

Connections and relationships are important everywhere, anywhere - of course in China, because the rule of law it is not as strong as in the West, so a lot would rely on personal relationships.

Personal relationships, mood, chance, or anything like that can actually affect people's decisions, and when they're in a position of power, their capriciousness can affect the fate of a nation.

The U.K. and Ireland are like-minded on E.U. matters, and the process of working together in Brussels has built an immense store of knowledge, personal relationships, and trust between our governments.

I'm trying to tell history with a capital H through histories with a small h. It moves people, because you know in your own personal relationships, your own story, there's an echo to a much larger reality.

Songs became little time periods of my life, little tales from certain periods, and you build these kingdoms and memories... they're all little personal relationships and places that I've stored in my head.

Archival and published history does not always record personal relationships of historical figures, so characters must be invented to allow the subject to reveal their interior realm through intimate interaction.

I love working with a stylist but I also love having personal relationships with designers. A stylist is great for pulling together an entire outfit, accessories included, and for shaking me out of my comfort zone.

I really think that there was a great advantage in many ways to being a woman. I think we are a lot better at personal relationships, and then have the capability obviously of telling it like it is when it's necessary.

My dad taught me how to play tennis, and I owe that to him. But the better you get, the higher you climb, and the more lonely you get. I've had to sacrifice a lot of personal relationships, but that's the choice I made.

Personal relationships are usually my biggest inspirations for writing my songs. The best way for me to write a song is to visualise the story in my head, and I start humming a melody, and before you know it, a song is born.

I think free agency changed the league more than the money. Teams had to build better facilities, coaches had to develop more personal relationships with the players and recruiting became such a big part of winning and losing.

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