Violent anger makes me physically ill.

Speaking is physically difficult for me.

I was physically abused and I retaliated.

I've always been extremely physically active.

I'm emotionally and physically ready for anything.

I won't quit skating until I am physically unable.

Physically I feel great, and mentally I feel great.

A static universe isn't physically self-consistent.

I am small. I was always small. But only physically.

I'm stronger than I think I am. Mentally, physically.

A body that doesn't move mentally or physically dies.

I remember as a kid that I was always physically fit.

I'm hardly physically right for the hero parts, now am I?

It's pretty physically unsettling, living life on a visa.

I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.

I haven't physically attacked anyone in a couple of years.

Personally, I like Jerome Boateng. He is physically strong.

Physically, I feel extremely well, perhaps fitter than ever.

Always, if you win mentally, you can win physically as well.

Mentally and physically, I find I can play with these people.

I was a God-fearing child, innocent and physically attractive.

Dare to be as physically robust and varied as you always were.

I believe our emotional tension can manifest itself physically.

It's very important to work myself physically as hard as I can.

It is very important for an actor to look physically attractive.

The ideal attitude is to be physically loose and mentally tight.

Certainly nothing is unnatural that is not physically impossible.

As long as I can be physically healthy, I don't mind being curvy.

It is very natural for a couple in love to be physically intimate.

My dad was a tyrant. He used to physically beat the crap out of us.

When it comes to sports, it requires a lot mentally and physically.

I'm excited by challenging myself physically and mentally every day.

We still need to feed the public, both physically and intellectually.

I was physically addicted to 'Tony Hawk's American Wasteland' for PS2.

I tend to play 'tortured' a lot, whether it's physically or emotionally.

You have to change men physically before you change them intellectually.

Being robbed hurts - not physically, but from what it does to your pride.

Everything I was, physically and mentally, that's what I put on that field.

I changed in a lot of ways, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Catering is extremely demanding financially and physically. It's a business.

Whether I'm 40, 50 or 60, I'm going to be as physically strong as I am able.

I'm not a good loser. I get sick physically... I take it to heart. I hate it.

He just had a very unique way of expressing himself physically with his kids.

In abortion, the person who is massacred, physically and morally, is the woman.

I had attached my life to basketball so closely that it made me physically ill.

Women could never beat men physically. So we have to be stronger in other ways.

It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion.

What I couldn't say verbally I was able to express physically through the guitar.

They'd better be physically tough when they start pulling on their football pants.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

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