Like success, failure is many things to many people. With Positive ...

Like success, failure is many things to many people. With Positive Mental Attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try again.

'Breaking Bad' was such a high plateau.

Has the smartphone begun to mature, plateau out?

Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.

I change the workout every month, so you never adapt and never plateau.

The plateau of Mexico is 8,000 feet high, and that of Puebla 9,000 feet.

Women, at 50, are on a plateau with their careers, but later they ascend.

You never want to plateau out. Getting better every day is my expectation.

Our population is headed for a stable plateau, which means an aging population.

I think if the desire to improve what I do starts to plateau then what's the point.

If you were to plot my success or failure, it goes, it very seldom stays on a high plateau.

All the Vine creators, we knew our home, the place we started on was slowly reaching a plateau.

As a fortysomething actor, you reach a plateau of maturity from which you can really get stuck in.

The Cure is clearly above average but seemingly unable to rally itself to move to a higher plateau.

I'm always improving and I want to get better and never hit a plateau. I find it an amazing adventure.

Non-violent protests have reached a plateau. There is no other way but to get into politics to make your voice heard.

I think the Colorado Plateau is the most scenic area in the world - let's begin with that. Not just the United States.

Fear is that thing that keeps you up there on that other plateau. Fear is that thing that just keeps you closed down, and quite frankly, alone.

I think midlife crisis is just a point where people's careers have reached some plateau and they have to reflect on their personal relationships.

A lot of people have a misconception about artists, that they're invincible, you know, they're on a different plateau. But I'm just a human being.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'.

Now I know that that is just the phenomena of eating this way. Most all of my letters say I hit a plateau and then one morning I woke up and the melt had happened.

Encouraging underground uranium mining on the Colorado Plateau um, the federal government was the only purchaser of uranium ore to try to manufacture uh, atomic bombs.

I think that we all plateau, from fitness experts to regular folks at every fitness level. What that means is we need to change our exercise routine, food, and attitude.

I've been thinking about the record since I reached the fifty plateau. But you think about it and then you let it go because you can't waste many brain cells on hours thinking about it.

I like to switch things up every four weeks by adding new exercises to my routine and alternating between high and low repetitions. This combats plateau, helping you see results quicker.

For awhile there, I kind of hit the plateau. Anytime you do that as an artist, one of two things can happen... you're either going to start to fall back off, or you're gonna start to rise.

My friends said I was crazy, but L.A. is the hub of the industry. It's the epicenter of the business. If I wanted to get above the plateau that I had reached in the U.K., I had to make that move.

When we make progress quickly, it feeds our emotions. Then, when there's a period of waiting or we hit a plateau, we find out how committed we really are and whether we're going to see things through to the finish or quit.

I've tried to eat little shrubs before. We were on an unsupported 20-plus day traverse, following the migration of endangered antelope across the Chang Tang Plateau. We were like, 'Oh, this is what they ate; we should try it.'

The truth is that the history of Mexico is a history in the image of its geography: abrupt and tortuous. Each historical period is like a plateau surrounded by tall mountains and separated from the other plateaus by precipices and divides.

I'm just trying to pass Tim Duncan in championships if I can one day. That's my motivation; that's what I strive for. Tim is one of the greatest players who has ever played, so if I could get close or reach that plateau and have my name on that list.

I think, for every artist, the second album is the most terrifying one to put out because it can either boost your career, and everybody can't wait until your third album, or the second one is terrible, and 'He probably hit a plateau on his first one.'

Almost everyone who reaches a plateau where he or she is happy and comfortable says it's because of finding balance between work, relaxation, exercise, socialising and family - plus some alone time to do something contemplative, creative, or educational.

If you go on a calorie-reduced diet without increasing your level of exercise, at a certain point, your body will lose a little weight and then plateau. You need to trick your body to burn more fuel than you're ingesting so you can continue to lose weight.

Man is alone everywhere. But the solitude of the Mexican, under the great stone night of the high plateau that is still inhabited by insatiable gods, is very different from that of the North American, who wanders in an abstract world of machines, fellow citizens and moral precepts.

The Florida peninsula is, in fact, an emerging plateau, honeycombed with voids and vents, caves and underground waterways. Travelers on Interstate Highway I-75 have no idea that, beneath them, are cave labyrinths still being mapped by speleologists - 'cavers,' they prefer to be called.

Gonpo Tso was born a princess. As a young woman, she dressed in fur-trimmed robes with fat ropes of coral beads strung around her neck. She lived in an adobe castle on the edge of the Tibetan plateau with a reception room large enough to accommodate the thousand Buddhist monks who once paid tribute to her father.

In the ten years leading up to 2013, quinoa prices nearly tripled on the back of skyrocketing international demand for the latest 'superfood'. The grain had traditionally been cultivated in the high Andean plateau, principally for household consumption. But as prices rose, farmers' incentive to sell it as a cash crop grew.

The 'OK Plateau' is that place we all get to where we just stop getting better at something. Take typing, for example. You might type and type and type all day long, but once you reach a certain level, you just don't get appreciably faster. That's because it's become automatic. You've moved it to the back of your mind's filing cabinet.

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