World Cup is a big platform.

Modelling is an incredible platform.

Norwich is a brilliant platform for me.

Facebook is a platform inside a platform.

Uber has to design for the global platform.

I just try to use my platform to praise God.

I love comedy. God has given me this platform.

You ought to serve on the platform you run on.

YouTube is a platform, a distribution vehicle.

We love that our platform allows people to give.

I am a tariff man, standing on a tariff platform.

A lot of my fans come from the SoundCloud platform.

I'm on Instagram more than any other social platform.

Digital is a fantastic platform to tell your stories.

I still love radio, but TV is also an awesome platform.

The Internet, as a platform, I think is really fantastic.

Bollywood helps in enabling a platform for many artistes.

Acting on a digital platform is similar to the big screen.

I am an ardent watcher of lot of series on the web platform.

It was Delhi that gave me the platform to achieve my dreams.

Getting into Sundance is such a big platform for a director.

You can't go to the store and buy 'the Engagement Platform.'

Spike Lee really gave us a platform, men and women of color.

I am absolutely in love with platforms and platform sneakers.

Whether you win or lose, you need to stay on a level platform.

Being a singer is a way for me to get to a platform to do more.

We are in a world where men and women are on the same platform.

I am very keen on 'Bigg Boss' because it is a very big platform.

Microsoft runs the world's biggest blogging platform, MSN Spaces.

To me, 'Chopped' is a great platform for championing great causes.

For me, it has always been about using my platform to help others.

Our goal is not to build a platform; it's to be cross all of them.

'The Hulk' was the beginning of me, a platform as an actor to grow.

I use my platform as a tool and a way to speak about greater change.

If I could police every other social platform in the world, I would.

I think Twitter is an incredible platform. I want to see it succeed.

The biggest things I have are the platform that I have and influence.

We ought to have a platform to plan to save Medicare from bankruptcy.

Diving is cool to watch. Springboard or platform - it doesn't matter.

Spotify is a platform: it could be expanded to other types of content.

The web as a platform is the most powerful platform we have ever seen.

I think music is the most phenomenal platform for intellectual thought.

Beauty pageants work as a platform from where you can reach out to many.

In the GNOME project we tried to keep the platform language independent.

For me, the IPL is a great platform to learn and develop as a cricketer.

People reach an age... where somebody else's platform is no longer yours.

I think a platform such as YouTube has to respect local laws and customs.

I'm using my platform to help out a little bit, you know. It's only right.

I chose a public platform to come out. I wanted to have an impact with it.

What is the use in being a celebrity if you can't use the platform to help?

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