I love polarizing people.

Good art should be polarizing.

We've always been a polarizing band.

I can usually play polarizing characters.

Talking to women about birth can be polarizing.

I don't like to be polarizing. It's not who I am.

When Black Lives Matter started, it was polarizing.

If you're not polarizing, you failed, in my opinion.

President Obama is not polarizing, but the media sure is.

I'm attracted to polarizing characters who upend the civility of life.

Polarizing is the greatest achievement in any art form, even in cinema.

If they hate you, they hate you, but I've always been polarizing, and I love that.

Palin may be a polarizing figure, but she's more than just a 'political personality.'

I don't have one polarizing message. It is just about being consistent over the years.

I just want my family to be safe. Because I am sometimes polarizing, I fear for their safety.

Because of the structure of the contemporary American party system, every president is polarizing.

Comedy illuminates. And it unifies people, it's not as polarizing as shows with specific political agendas.

The world is polarizing over religion. It is getting both more religious and less religious at the same time.

I think great movies do promote conversation, great movies are honest, and great movies are sometimes polarizing.

I'm a polarizing person, so people get caught up in hoping I fail. And just like success, failure is a perspective.

Well I think that, if you want to look at polarizing people right now, I wouldn't look at Palin, I'd look at Barack Obama.

I want to figure out how we put California and America back on track - how we bridge this partisan divide that is so polarizing.

For Donald Trump, during his candidacy, he became a polarizing candidate, which included, along the way, insulting a lot of people.

This is a polarizing statement, as I have come to discover, but I am a Pats, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan from birth until death.

I think the aggressive and loud way that I played in the championship game is kind of polarizing; you either love it or you hate it.

Everybody's had their differences with President Trump. He's a polarizing president, but I think a majority of the people like what he's doing.

I have no idea why anyone likes me! I am very polarizing. It's either absolutely love or absolutely can't-be-around-for-more-than-three-seconds.

I always feel that comedy, at its best, tackles issues that are controversial, polarizing, volatile, and sheds light onto those issues and the people involved.

I've always been sort of, 'I love it,' or, 'I hate it,' and I think, as a result, I've always been a polarizing person. You either love me or you hate me. There's not a lot of 'Hmmm.'

It all happened so fast: I went from regular girl, an actress trying to make it in Hollywood, to a Cabinet spouse in one of the most polarizing administrations ever. It was overwhelming.

We've been polarizing for different reasons. For one thing, my voice is very polarizing. It sits in this place that either appeals to people or really puts people off. I can understand that.

One of the people I most admired was Christopher Hitchens. He was extremely polarizing but extremely honest, to a fault sometimes, but I respected him for that, and I loved his debating style.

So much of the music I love is polarizing. People might either hate it or love it, but they remember it because it was different. That means it was pushing buttons and not just following trends.

I like to think 'The God Delusion' is a humorous book. I think, actually, it's full of laughs. And people who describe it as a polarizing book or as an aggressive book, it's just that very often they haven't read it.

I have a lot of critics, and that's fine. I think it's better to be polarizing than to be vanilla. I also think people can't question the passion and sincerity that I bring because I truly am the luckiest guy in the world.

I've always felt that if something is polarizing, that's usually the stuff I like the most. If something is taking a chance and is willing to be weird, that's my favorite thing. I know there's somebody out there who hates it.

Not many people do what Jameis Winston did: first year as a starter winning a national championship, only one loss in his two years as a starter. He's got great charisma. He's polarizing for some people, but he's a rare talent.

What we don't need to work toward is polarizing America any greater than it is. Look, I'm up here in Washington, D.C., in the Congress of the United States, and we have, all day, a lot of verbal vomit that is doing enormous damage.

Any actor is happy to be involved with something that's challenging, controversial, and not easily palatable. Things that are too dumbed down or easy to swallow are uninteresting... It's good when people have such a polarizing response.

The time is long overdue to stop looking for progress through racial or ethnic leaders. Such leaders have too many incentives to promote polarizing attitudes and actions that are counterproductive for minorities and disastrous for the country.

In a lot of ways I would love to be another student and love to be looked at as a Duke student and a senior and psych major and someone on the basketball team instead of Duke's polarizing, lightning rod, Grayson Allen villain, all those types of things.

Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have tapped into a legitimate anger about the failures of Washington, but instead of running a campaign built on a positive vision for overcoming these failures, Donald Trump has conducted a polarizing and divisive campaign.

I can understand why people have a hard time separating their feelings on Covington the man and Covington the fighter. He certainly doesn't make it easy. He's extremely polarizing on his tamest day. But it's important to note that he wants the world to hate him.

I had to be clean-shaven all the time to play a Mormon missionary, so after I was done, I grew a mustache out of rebellion. It was actually very polarizing. I became attractive to a completely new group of people and also repulsive to a new group of people. The lesson: mustaches are divisive.

I can't expect everybody to appreciate what we do. Our stage shows especially have been kind of polarizing. Either you went with it or you didn't, and you thought we were being pretentious. Personally, I think it's kind of boring when I watch a band that doesn't do anything to make it their own.

I don't think it should be a surprise when we're talking about energy and trying to have more home-grown energy, be less reliant on foreign oil when you look at our health care that we're trying to get more affordable health care, that these are going to create major debates in this country and be somewhat polarizing.

Too many politicians are shifting the critical themes of our national conversations from a 'big ideas' American Brand Platform to narrowly focused, polarizing sound bites that put party philosophy before what used to be heralded as the common good. These ideas, more often than not, divide us rather than serve to bind us.

I look forward to physical activity; it's a release from stress and a nice distraction. It puts me in a better mood. I never used to take classes before, but then I tore my plantar fascia so I couldn't run. I started taking SoulCycle classes, which I know are polarizing. People have strong opinions. Even though I can run again, I still go.

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