The universe is popping all over the place.

I'm the first rapper ever popping his collar.

I'm drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and greys.

When I got to the NBA, picking and popping came so natural for me.

Enthusiasm just creates bubbles; it doesn't keep them from popping.

The British scene in boxing, not just the heavyweight division, is popping.

I listen to all kinds of music. I love underground, new music that's popping.

Games are work. There are economies popping up in games now because people value them.

The older I get, the more grays are popping out. They're definitely all over my beard.

It was strange what happened to me; I mean popping out like that before I was even ten.

I don't want to be 35 years old and still popping out songs in miniskirts and la-la-la.

I'm trying to put the past to rest, but things just keep popping up to just pull me back in.

I quite like walking out in my sweet new Balor Club jacket, popping my collar and being Mr. Cool.

I'd kiss a frog even if there was no promise of a Prince Charming popping out of it. I love frogs.

I knew how touring was for 10 years, but it's completely different now that things are popping off.

I think 'Candy Crush' may be fading in popularity, but there's always something new that's popping up.

You can't be glued in the '60s. Walking around, going up the pub or popping to Tesco in a hunting jacket.

Popping broad beans out of their skins can be therapeutic, but it isn't everybody's favourite waste of time.

I'm fascinated by caddy Buddhists popping up all over Hollywood and people that take themselves too seriously.

I enjoy popping in to World Duty Free at the airport and trying out perfumes - I can never resist a new scent.

I'm allergic to cats, so I'm psychologically wired to associating kittens with itchy eyes and popping Claritin.

Biggie has been the logo for success, the logo for doing it big - from popping champagne, the ladies, the fashion.

I would love to learn popping, locking and robotics, gymnastics and acrobatics; it is amazing to learn these things.

When I talk to booksellers, they tell me how hard it is to hand-sell some of my books because I do keep popping around.

My interests and obsessions have always been so wide-ranging that I keep popping my head out of different boxes as much as possible.

You gotta stay on your P's and Q's. When you popping so hard, got these blessings coming down, you got the devil tryin' to get at you.

Atlantic has been great to me. They didn't flinch when I told them I was self-producing, and nobody was popping their head in the studio.

As my mind can conceive of more good, the barriers and blocks dissolve. My life becomes full of little miracles popping up out of the blue.

I like popping my own pimple, so I feel like when I go and get a facial and they do it for me, it's really annoying. I'd rather do it myself.

Of course I'd like children. But I have to get over my impression that being pregnant is like popping corn. You expand and expand until you pop.

I used to send out emails to producers to collaborate and they'd give me nothing, not even a response. As soon as I started popping off, out they came!

It doesn't matter where I'm at - if I'm somewhere sitting still for more than an hour, rhymes start popping in my head... It's just kinda instilled in me.

What I love the most is getting on the ice and just popping in a fabulous CD and skating - all by myself, the rink completely empty, just me and the music.

I don't like 3D movies that have things popping out of the screen. Firstly, I find it straining on my eyes, and more importantly, it distracts me from the movie.

New security loopholes are constantly popping up because of wireless networking. The cat-and-mouse game between hackers and system administrators is still in full swing.

I would have loved to have been an aesthetician. I love, like, anything to do with - I know this sounds kind of gross - but any kind of zit popping is so fascinating to me.

'9 to 5,' that little song, that little story, just won't ever end. Just like 'I Will Always Love You,' it just keeps comin' back, popping up its head in one way or another.

For a while we had trouble trying to get the sound of a champagne cork exploding out of the bottle. I solved the problem by sticking my finger in my mouth and popping it out.

With 'At What Cost,' I was basically reliving a time in my life during the go-go era. I remember when it was popping for my generation and how that felt and what it looked like.

I have a distinct memory, dating back to 1989 or so, of sitting around with my college dorm mates talking about a new term that was popping up everywhere: 'political correctness.'

If I do hit that rope and do a hop, skip and a jump and get up as high as I can, I'm just going to hold my breath, because I know i'm going to hear all kinds of scar tissue popping.

There aren't that many songs that pay homage to the DJ. They are the ones getting artists' music out there. They are the ones getting the club popping. But no one's giving them any love.

We'd have Mick Jagger round for tea one morning or Janet Jackson wandering in, but I wouldn't have been aware of it. I didn't have a clue who anyone was. They were just dad's friends popping in.

A good hair day is when my curls are popping. Sometimes my curls and waves, they like to go a little wild sometimes. They have a mind of their own. But some days, they just fall right into place.

Something that's Crunk is off the hook. It's popping, it's going down if it's Crunk. A football player listening to his Walkman as he's getting ready for the game, jumping up and down, he's Crunk.

Even if you're only wearing trainers and a vest, eyeliner will instantly transform you. People always look put-together when their make-up's on and their eyes are popping - just ask Amy Winehouse!

I remember, around age three, peas growing in the back garden. Pinching them from their pods and popping them in the mouth was my first realisation that food came from somewhere other than a shelf.

If my eyebrows are cool, if my eyeliner is popping, if I'm moisturized, then I can pretty much wear whatever I want. I think if your hair and your face are together, I think it's pretty much polished!

A juicy chicken breast can be the perfect accompaniment to a classic Caesar salad or a club sandwich. It's also easy to cook, and can be as simple as dressing it with a few spices and popping in the oven.

We're talking about growing up in regular families, dreaming about better things, instead of popping bottles in the club and spending a lot of money that you don't have while living in your mother's basement.

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