Writers don't need to be given formulas; they need to be shown possibilities.

In athletics, the idea of possibility is presumed. It's not 'if;' it's 'how.'

Documentary films are created in an inverted funnel of declining possibility.

The minute you start putting words on paper you're eliminating possibilities.

There's no possibility that Argentina will fall into default if I'm president.

NYC, You Inspire Me to never stop exploring the endless possibilities of food.

It seems everything is so full of possibilities one can hardly take it all in.

My aim is to show the visible as possibility in a state of perpetual becoming.

The self-righteous rule out the possibility that they are what has gone wrong.

Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God.

Choice was dangerous: you had to forgo all other possibilities when you chose.

Success is seldom achieved by people who contemplate the possibility of failure

The root of this possibility of doing good - that we all have - is in creation.

What was given to us by the past is adapted to the possibilities of the future.

Not to be alone. To be spared the possibility of knowing oneself, in aloneness.

It's all I ever really wanted, that revelation. The possibility of fixed stars.

Our motive is not to prove our self-worth, but to live up to our possibilities.

The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities.

Discoveries are made by pursuing possibilities suggested by existing knowledge.

Hope is like compassion to me. It's like possibility and living in possibility.

There is always a third possibility, as long as you have the ability to find it.

Right now, we have no possibility of politics because we have a one-party state.

Hope was always out ahead of fact, possibility obscured the outlines of reality.

There's always a possibility that players can come and go when the market opens.

Our patriarchal blessings are paragraphs from the book of our own possibilities.

By not sharing our interests, talents and abilities, we limit our possibilities.

We begin to realize we are energy itself with all of its inherent possibilities.

The possibilities of percussion sounds, I believe, have never been fully realized

I'm interested in the possibility of fiction which straddles narrative and essay.

Politics requires the sense of possibility. Dare I say it - the audacity of hope.

After all, we make ourselves according to the ideas we have of our possibilities.

I’m currently unsupervised It frisks me out too but the possibilities are endless

A dream is the bearer of a new possibility, the enlarged horizon, the great hope.

The future is an ever-shifting maze of possibilities until it becomes the present

The note we end on is and must be the note of inexhaustible possibility and hope.

If there is no possibility for change in a character, we have no interest in him.

no one wants to be praised for possibilities when one has submitted performances.

I was an English major, so I love discussing possibilities and alternate theories.

There is no human life so poor and small as not to hold many a divine possibility.

An increasing amount of climate research suggests a possibility of global cooling.

Living for ever would be like marrying yourself, with no possibility of a divorce.

The essence of the question is the opening up, and keeping open, of possibilities.

The Internet opens up a whole new range of possibilities in a wide range of areas.

Writers must... take care of the sensibility that houses the possibility of poems.

Housework is work directly opposed to the possibility of human self-actualization.

You can only learn orchestration if you have the possibility of using an orchestra.

An optimist expects his dreams to come true; a pessimist expects his nightmares to.

I was an activist long before I even entertained the possibility of being an actor.

Work aside, we come to New York for the possibility of interaction and inspiration.

An education is a more surefire guarantee that you have possibilities opened to you.

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