Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.

Where happiness was not a possibility, the illusion of it was always more important.

The great thing about music is that whatever you're into, you see new possibilities.

I do live with the very real possibility that we don't have endless stories to tell.

One possibility is: God is nothing but the power of the universe to organize itself.

It's been a long rocky life, with plenty of possibility but too much human ugliness.

Until you're ready to look foolish, you'll never have the possibility of being great.

Sometimes you have to open yourself to the random possibilities of, I guess, destiny.

When I came into politics I always thought there was a possibility I would be killed.

There is also something deeply lovely about uncertainty: the possibility of optimism.

Become alert! Relationship destroys love, destroys the very possibility of its birth.

Where did we come from? Where are we going? Is there possibility of a group discount?

The experience of God, or in any case the possibility of experiencing God, is innate.

We are the opening verse of the opening page of the chapter of endless possibilities.

I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.

There's always the possibility of a fiasco. But there's also the possibility of bliss.

Americans always do the right thing, once they have exhausted all other possibilities.

Awaken and rejoice. Awaken and be alive. Awaken to the possibility of being fulfilled.

You are keeping the possibility [of peace] open. No wise leader would do anything less

Cinematography is infinite in its possibilities... much more so than music or language.

It would not be foolish to contemplate the possibility of a far greater progress still.

So for a long time I closed my eyes to the possibility of America having a white voice.

When we're young, everything is possible; when we're old, possibilities are everything.

When a woman tells the truth she is creating the possibility for more truth around her.

Responsibility is the possibility of opportunity culminating in inevitable fulfillment.

The possibilities are endless, so never be discouraged by a setback, no matter how big.

If you don't have the possibility of listening to music, you can't know if you love it.

The possibility that a provincial town could win the League completely bucks the trend.

Choose to live in a place where your eyes are always open to the positive possibilities.

Nature is infinitely creative. It is always producing the possibility of new beginnings.

Not all possibilities are open to us. The world is finite; our hopes spill over its rim.

The past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.

Spend enough time around success and failure, and you learn a reverence for possibility.

Ambition, if it were to be savored, let alone achieved, had to be rooted in possibility.

I was always interested in the possibility maybe of finding my way into a big adventure.

Without the possibility of action, all knowledge comes to one labeled 'file and forget.'

We can only reason from what is; we can reason on actualities, but not on possibilities.

I can't say whether or not I'll ever get married again, but I'm open to the possibility.

The work of artists is to find what's humanly possible - possibility's furthest reaches.

the enduring struggle to capture in words the infinite possibilities of a life not lived.

Being-alone is a deficient mode of being-with; its possibility is a proof for the latter.

If you allow for the possibilities of something better, you move toward it instinctively.

The possibilities in sci-fi are wonderful. The subject is bigger than everything we know.

The possibilities of success are limitless, as long as you're willing to put the work in.

If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, the possibility of life is destroyed.

The Word of God represents all the possibilities of God as at the disposal of true prayer.

The Christian notion of the possibility of redemption is incomprehensible to the computer.

Success is not a straight line, it's much more of a dance and being open to possibilities.

We can't, we MUST not lose this sense of possibility because in the end, it's all we have.

When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life.

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