Consider nothing impossible, then treat possiblities as probabilities.

When people make judgments they close all the possibility around them.

I've never ruled out the possibility of going back into public service.

Certainty is a cruel mindset. It hardens our minds against possibility.

Time clocks rob the world of wild possibility. That's what they're for.

To find the unlimited scope of human possibility, look within yourself.

If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.

There's a small possibility that I might be a murder suspect" Stephanie

My writing is a lens into the possibilities of the American experience.

It really feels like VR has the possibility to be something really huge.

I do not believe in the commercial possibility of induced radioactivity.

as soon as you know you are in prison, you have a possibility to escape.

Trenches, hospitals, the common grave--there are no other possibilities.

The world is so full of possibilities that dogmatism is simply indecent.

I'm a pessimist about probabilities, I'm an optimist about possibilities.

Capitalism, after all, is no fun when real failure becomes a possibility.

When the rational mind is shut off, we have the possibility of intuition.

The purpose of poetry is to restore to mankind the possibility to wonder.

Either there is a God or there isn't. Both possibilities are frightening.

Finally, this being America, there is the constant possibility of murder.

Yes, death, the hourly possibility of it, death is the sublimity of life.

Different areas present us with possibilities to test different theories.

Only the possibility of carrying out a dream makes our life worth living.

To avoid all possibility for error is to avoid all possibility for growth.

Fear was about possibilities. Not things that happened. Things that might.

The mere possibility provides no warrant for denying what I clearly grasp.

The anticipation of discovering new possibilities becomes my greatest joy.

I make myself a relentless architect of the possibilities of human beings.

When you leave home, then you leave with the possibility of not returning.

The mere existence of atomic weapons implies the possibility of their use.

If there is a sense of reality, there must also be a sense of possibility.

It may have happened, it may not have happened but it could have happened.

Money is congealed energy, and releasing it releases life's possibilities.

This age is fraught with limitless perils, as well as untold possibilities.

All we are given is possibilities — to make ourselves one thing or another.

Do not think it impossible just because it has never happened. - Friar Tuck

The very word possibility creates a mental climate conducive to creativity.

Chaos and destruction do tend to take away a person's dating possibilities.

The willingness to consider possibility requires a tolerance of uncertainty.

Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.

I like the possibility of failure. I don't want to be in a comfortable zone.

After all, we are human beings, and not creatures of infinite possibilities.

In saving Tibet, you save the possibility that we are all brothers, sisters.

Everyone has to learn to think differently, bigger, to open to possibilities.

I love the idea of people walking away with the idea of hope and possibility.

We seek neither convenience nor ease, but to live at the edge of possibility.

I wanted to use my possibility to be an individual, and I suppose I have, no?

Child prodigy is a curse because you've got all those terrible possibilities.

the problem with knowing is that it takes away the possibility of pretending!

In my stillness I am the eternal possibility. In my movement I am the cosmos.

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