TV's a pretty powerful thing.

Denial is a very powerful thing.

Femininity can be a powerful thing.

Endorphins are a very powerful thing.

Memory is a powerful thing for a writer.

The most powerful thing we own is our vote.

To be a queen of a household is a powerful thing.

The accumulation of knowledge is a powerful thing.

Red lipstick has always been a powerful thing to me.

The single most powerful thing I can be is to be myself.

I've done drag many, many years, but TV is a huge, powerful thing.

I always knew that saying the unsayable was going to be a powerful thing.

But when you get music and words together, that can be a very powerful thing.

To be empathetic to everyone around you, I think, is such a powerful thing to hold.

Love is the most powerful thing in the world, and you know, what love brings is joy.

It's a powerful thing to know that you are empowering someone to lift themselves out of poverty.

Just being with a group of girls and experiencing sadness together - it's a pretty powerful thing.

Applause is the most powerful thing... people talk about the sound of it, but what I hear is glee.

When something is heartwarming and triumphant, and not corny or preachy, it's such a powerful thing.

Music is the most powerful thing on this earth, and it's hard to be angry when you are listening to music.

Music is a very powerful thing. If I'm angry, I can write a song about it, and it seems to make everything okay.

The mind is such a powerful thing, and when you learn how to control that it really turns a lot of things around.

Music can lift the spirit; it can make you cry. Soldiers have marched into battle to music. It's a powerful thing.

Belief is such a powerful thing - but because it is, it can also be very destructive and it's very easily manipulated.

You could go to Estonia and there's probably an episode of 'Seinfeld' playing there. Television is a very powerful thing.

There are very few things that 13 million people tune in to witness, so television is a really relevant and powerful thing.

If you can write a song that makes people have emotions and show their feelings, that's a powerful thing and a beautiful thing.

Decisions just look different with women at the table. We still have a long way to go. The most powerful thing we own is our vote.

The most powerful thing billionaires have isn't their voice. It's earth-shattering, continent-moving, war-starting amounts of money.

I think diversity and multiculturalism on TV and on the screen is such a powerful thing. And to be honest, it's a very American thing.

I actually had the opportunity to stand at the lectern in the Supreme Court and face the justices, which was really a powerful thing for me.

I always sang in church always was in a gospel choir and directed choirs and always performed, but I never thought of it as a powerful thing.

The most powerful thing we can do is get involved locally. Help our local community and become community activists in our own smaller circle.

Unfortunately, celebrity is a powerful thing. It can influence people, but if it can influence people in a good way, then that's a great thing.

Media is a powerful thing, and you see it with so many actors, where one role that brings them a lot of attention is sort of how they get defined.

Water is the most powerful thing in the world. Just being in it, around it, it gives me some sort of peace. Watching it, looking at it, I love it.

I learned at an early age that I could make the things that I wanted. That's a very powerful thing to realize as a kid. LEGOs were a key part of that.

You have to love yourself. That's the single most powerful thing. Out of that springs: How are you eating? How are you exercising? How are you resting?

What a powerful thing to know: That one's own desires are mappable onto strangers; that what one finds in oneself will most certainly be found in The Other.

I think it's such a powerful thing: Words and melodies, and you put them together. I couldn't really picture a world without music. It would be quite boring.

But we both came to the decision that the powerful thing is to go into your fear, walk in there with it, don't walk away from it, and to try to be true to it.

I think comedy does have that powerful thing that doesn't seem too preachy because you're also making people laugh, so it's really kind of a good tool for messaging.

Playing live is what it's all about for me. It's cathartic, it's emotional, it's about communing with people. The way you feel after a gig is a such a powerful thing.

Being a woman has always been a powerful thing, where history has sometimes dictated otherwise, but I believe that a woman can be compassionate, sensitive, soft, kind.

I'm the man I am today because of what my dad's been through, what my mum's been through and I always had love and that's the most powerful thing you can have in life.

When you are cast for a role, it's because of everything that makes you who you are in that moment in time. No one else has that. That's a unique, powerful thing to hold.

It is one thing to go on stage and be funny or be in a good place in your career, but for a woman, actually facing the elements in a physical way is a very powerful thing.

As long as you can bootstrap, not at the sacrifice of competitive advantage, bootstrapping is a really powerful thing because it allows you to be totally devoted to your vision.

Back when people couldn't read, other people would take newspapers and turn them into theater so that people would know what was going on in the world. That is a powerful thing.

I find it a very, very powerful thing to be yourself and not to try and be something else and to use that as your biggest shield and your biggest attack in the world - to just be you.

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