Nothing in life is sure, my son. Except the promise of death.

Once elected, the President 'forgets' all about his promises.

If politics were a musical, it would be "Promises, Promises".

The Land of Promise is for those who simply remain to the end.

At its root, 'God of War' was always the promise of adventure.

I've been down a long road, but I promise you, it gets better.

I didn't do anything wrong and I promise to never do it again.

Promises were like bad checks, easy to write and hard to cash.

Every ending is also a beginning. We'll meet again, I promise.

One of the great enemies of hope is forgetting God's promises.

One must have a good memory to keep the promises one has made.

Uncorseted, her friendly bust Gives promise of pneumatic bliss.

Spring is always cruel, with its false promise of resurrection.

Promise is one thing. Fulfilling that promise is quite another.

If you make the customer a promise... make sure you deliver it.

Social Security is a promise that we cannot and must not break.

Promise you won't forget me, ever. Not even when I'm a hundred.

The value of a promise is the cost to you of keeping your word.

If you are nice, and keep your promise, we will be in paradise.

Murder offers the promise of vast relief. It is never unsexual.

Hookers have to deliver on their promise... unlike politicians.

God has promised to help us, and God always keeps His promises.

God promises to keep His people, and He will keep His promises.

Forever used to feel like a curse. Now it feels like a promise.

it's a kiss full of promise, of trust and of all that is magic.

Great enterprises usually promise vastly more than they perform.

Each of us is a seed, a silent promise, and it is always Spring.

...there were no guarantees in life, only promises and whispers.

Our words must count. Hunger will not wait for promises we made.

Flirting is a promise of sexual intercourse without a guarantee.

You can't promise to win a game, but you can want to win a game.

Keep every promise you make and only make promises you can keep.

If kids clearly see the promise, they will gladly pay the price.

You probably think I’m at a disadvantage. I promise you, I’m not.

No matter how the sun shone, the sea held forth no more promises.

A prime minister must not promise things that can't be fulfilled.

Making promises and keeping them is a great way to build a brand.

Perfection is a promise, and a reassurance that we are not wrong.

I promise that, one day, everything's going to be better for you.

I've made a promise that taxes would be my last resort on issues.

I promise to love and cherish each of my sweet-faced fans forever

So much for Obama's promise of 'quality, affordable health care.'

The one sure mark of a con, though, is the promise of free money.

There's a world out there that nobody has bothered to promise her.

Didn't I promise I'd always look after you and keep you from harm?

Do not pretend - be. Do not promise - act. Do not dream - realize.

We cannot rely on God's promises without obeying his commandments.

I grieve for life's bright promise, just shown and then withdrawn.

Where a new invention promises to be useful, it ought to be tried.

We must never promise ourselves any more than God has promised us.

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