Netflix, like life, has its pros and cons.

The pros stretch their bodies to the limit.

I think everything has its own pros and cons.

I know that there's pros and cons to everything.

You learn in the pros that errors can be costly.

We've got the blue-collar pros here in San Diego.

I know the pros and cons of not being diplomatic.

My game from college has translated into the pros.

I know the pros and cons of being absolutely blunt.

Neville is one of my favorite pros in the business.

I think in every family there are pros and cons to it.

People are vocal, so you hear the pros and cons of your shows.

I learned there's a big difference between juniors and the pros.

The difference between pros and amateurs is that pros play hurt.

Don't be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard.

Amateurs wait for inspiration. The real pros get up and go to work.

My best friend in the pros is Brandon Davies, who I played with at BYU.

The best part of making the movies... learning from the pros themselves.

There's pros and cons to everything, and I choose to look at the positives.

All these pros are getting better every day. You just want to catch up to them.

Ronald Reagan, whatever his pros and cons were, was a public servant in the end.

I just follow great people. If you want to play like a pro, you learn from the pros.

If I commit to pros, I really got to stick to it, and I think it was a good decision.

I'm a great believer that you cannot have enough senior pros around your dressing room.

As a young footballer at United, Steve Bruce was one of the senior pros I really admired.

Ballroom is its own entity, its own sport. And I have the most respect for what the pros do.

I have a long way to catch up. I have to start with the pros this year, about 20 seconds back.

The top athletes are consummate pros who work obsessively at their craft. Approach yours the same way.

Well, I think it's pretty much established that I just didn't have any interest in coaching in the pros.

The women tennis pros don't really want equal pay for equal work. They want equal pay for inferior work.

I think there are pros and cons to social networking, but on a social, personal level, it's just not for me.

I throw better than anybody in college and I can throw with anybody in the pros. There, that's what I think.

It's only my first year in the pros but I feel like I've been here a while now, I feel like a veteran already.

I've been playing in L.A. for a long time through college and pros, just to be ready. It's different out here.

In the pros, tennis is all about individuals. In college, it's getting individuals to make points for the team.

There are two things that won't last long in this world, and that's dogs chasing cars and pros putting for pars.

I was playing 60, 70 matches a year in college. In the pros, unless you're winning, you're not playing that many.

A lot of the older pros - I won't name names - they need the money and are bitter about the money in modern football.

That's what distinguishes the pros from people involved in amateur theatre. You just go out and do it again and again.

I think we're all pros. If we go out there and just play basketball the right way, everything is gonna work itself out.

I don't know if there were many pros for me playing early. I feel like I dug myself a pretty deep hole that rookie year.

I like doing my makeup myself! It's a hobby of mine. I like to play around. I've learned all the best tricks from the pros!

I watch golf, just looking at the pros, and I'm in awe of how they play. Not one particular player - maybe all the players.

The guy who enters pro sports hasn't run scared from the 7th grade on. Until he enters the pros, it's been nothing but roses.

There is such insecurity in loving that we see all the pros and cons and then decide how much we want to invest in relationships.

I love my climbing shoes. Virtually all of my big solos have been in the TC Pros. They are the most important thing when I'm soloing.

I grew up doing gymnastics. It requires discipline, eating right, getting sleep, lots of sacrifice. But the pros outweigh the sacrifice.

Is everyone who uses a MacBook Pro a pro? No. It's just basically a faster Mac. And certainly, pros do use them, partly for that reason.

If you're a foolhardy, braggadocio male figure who wants to charge forward in every fight, it has its pros and its cons, that's for sure.

You know honestly, I enjoy working with everyone because remember, these were all real pros that had been around the business a long time.

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