My dad was really a protector and mentor.

Let us be protectors of all of Gods Creatures

Prosperity is the best protector of principle.

My father's a protector. My father's old-school. He's a cowboy.

Ever the coach's dream, Tebow embraced the role of punt protector.

Love is the great protector, protecting us from anger and jealousy.

I am, and ever will be, a white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer.

Animals mean everything to me. We have to be their voice and protectors.

I have three sons, and I think we're both fierce protectors of our children.

I'm a teacher, a motivator. That's what I do. And I'm a protector on top of that.

I am the protector of all lives. I am present even before the creation. I am prime God.

Politicians don't like tough coverage, and their protectors try to destroy the messengers.

I would wear one of those plastic pocket protectors, but they make you look like a Republican.

This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.

We need an attorney general for the people, not a presidential protector and puppet of the administration.

I always disliked dogs, those protectors of cowards who lack the courage to fight an assailant themselves.

I think the Justice Department needs to be the final protector of the people of the United States of America.

The people no longer has confidence in its former protectors, now its exploiters and executioners. The masks have fallen.

When people think about computer science, they imagine people with pocket protectors and thick glasses who code all night.

I do not believe any president can bind a successor president to give up his fundamental role as protector of the country.

I don't wanna be labeled as just a defensive player or a rim protector or someone who can dunk. I feel like I can do everything.

My agent, Didier Fernandez - who's been my agent since I was 18 - has definitely been a mentor and a protector and a trusted friend.

State and local law enforcement are the primary protectors of the health, safety, and welfare of the people in the individual states.

In a family of all girls, I was always the 'boy' in my mind - the protector, the masculine one. No one would ever have to worry about me.

Historically, the judicial branch has often been the sole protector of the rights of minority groups against the will of the popular majority.

I don't really want to be cocky when I say this, but I really feel I can be one of the best rim protectors in the league, you know, as a rookie.

Thirty years ago, there was definitely a huge difference between men and women, and the man wanting to feel like the protector, and not scare the wife.

From the moment I was born, I was fed propaganda. I viewed the Kim dynasty not only as our fearless protectors from the imperialist forces, but also as gods.

I'm so proud of Maryland's firefighters, risking their lives to protect others, but we need to protect our protectors with the best equipment training and resources.

We do hereby command the Leaders of the Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant Churches to sanctify and have us crowned Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico.

I place no hope in my strength, nor in my works: but all my confidence is in God my protector, who never abandons those who have put all their hope and thought in him.

The thing that I probably enjoy the most and also am the best at in whatever art form I'm working in is being the protector of the emotional experience of the audience.

I'd rather be the protector than the protected. I'm naturally the protector - being a mother and having a famous family. You have to navigate when it's right to protect.

The threat to globalization is not the wasted American dollars but Washington's readiness to mix US commercial interests with its self-appointed role as global protector.

You know, no matter what I am or what I do for a living, I'm still, you know, the husband and the dad and the protector of the house, and I have to be conscientious about that.

Dracula, if he could see modern corporations, wouldn't like them much. He took care of his people, at least as he saw it. They had very little freedom, but they had a protector.

Policemen so cherish their status as keepers of the peace and protectors of the public that they have occasionally been known to beat to death those citizens or groups who question that status.

If the guardians of society, the protectors of 'young persons,' could have had their way, we should have known nothing of Byron or Shelley. The voices that thrill the world would now be silent.

I've always seen 'Y' as an unconventional romance between a boy and his protector. It was always about the last boy on Earth becoming the last man on Earth, and the women who made that possible.

Superman is a traditional archetype in our culture, this all-powerful but benign doer of good, protector and friend. If he could succumb to the frailties of mortal man, what's to become of the rest of us?

I come here tonight as a sister, blessed with a brother who is my mentor, my protector and my lifelong friend. And I come here as a wife who loves my husband and believes he will be an extraordinary president.

We shoot 'Hustle' for 12 to 16 weeks, so that's how long I'm here each year. I've always loved London. I lived here for three years back in the Seventies, when I did a TV series, 'The Protectors,' for Lew Grade.

I taught myself computer. Then Macintosh came along, and it became a really bad addiction. If I wasn't in show business, I'd have pocket protectors growing out of my chest. I do everything on it. It's kinda sick.

The one thing - apart from assumptions about German - that I have to challenge frequently is people assuming that lexicographers are fierce protectors of the language when in fact our job is not to put a lid on it.

A geek isn't the skinny kid with a pocket protector and acne. There can be computer geeks, video game geeks, car geeks, military geeks, and sports geeks. Being a geek just means that you're passionate about something.

I've heard my father say that the man is to be the priest, the provider, and the protector of his family. He's the priest because he is the spiritual leader, monitoring and growing the spiritual temperature of his family.

God is absolutely holy and wise. His nature, attributes, and power are all holy. He is omnipresent, incorporeal, unborn, immense, omniscient, omnipotent, merciful and just. He is the maker, protector, and destroyer of worlds.

I think Superman's journey is to become comfortable on earth. Of course he's got his role as earth's greatest protector but he also wants to be as happy as he can and if that happens to be with Lois then he's going to find a way.

I never moisturised until I got skin cancer. It totally changed my opinion on moisturising. I used to think using a face protector was a bit of a girly thing, now I've worked out it's actually essential to keep your skin healthy.

A lot of players have told me they see me as a protector of my teammates, that, side by side, I'm there when something goes down, and I step up beside them and for them when things get nasty. I play the game hard, and I play it physical.

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