I play really bad punk rock guitar.

I think punk rock needs an 'Amadeus.'

I'm a punk rocker. I don't do Christian.

I love punk rock, but I also love metal.

Punk rock is just another word for freedom.

I came up in the punk rock scene of Seattle.

Donald Trump is going to make punk rock great again.

Rap actually comes out of punk rock, not black music.

AC/DC 'Back in Black' - Those were my punk rock days.

I was the first person to have a punk rock hairstyle.

I was always a punk rock skate kid from a very young age.

Questioning anything and everything, to me, is punk rock.

I was really into punk rock but also into musical theater.

The only way to be punk rock in L.A. is to be a Republican.

I think, fundamentally, the core of everything I do is punk rock.

I love rap, and I love the angst of hardcore music and punk rock.

The jury had down right contempt for punk rock grass roots ethics.

I'm not a snob. I like ghetto rap and punk rock and all that stuff.

To be involved in the subculture of punk rock puts you in a minority.

Rap music is the only vital form of music introduced since punk rock.

If I opened a record store, it wouldn't be all punk rock and esoterica.

Where there is young people and vitality, you're going to find punk rock.

A lot of people think that punk rock musicians don't know what they're doing.

I would definitely say the Oakland Raiders are the punk rock band of football.

I don't think punk ever really dies, because punk rock attitude can never die.

Punk rock is very rebellious, of course, but it also means thinking for yourself.

Ain't nobody more punk rock than Robert Johnson, Lead Belly, even Little Richard.

When punk rock came along, the one thing you were not supposed to be was musical.

Music never leaves you alone, and punk rock will always be there when nothing else will.

The older I get, the more of an anarchist I become, and I don't mean in a punk rock way.

People perceive punk rock in the sense of Sid Vicious, all strung-out, crazy and insane.

I think punk rock, especially for me, was a big middle finger to this whole talent thing.

The problem is we moved to LA... The only way to be punk rock in L.A. is to be a Republican.

The period right before punk rock where people like Lou Reed and Iggy Pop were really strong.

My favorite punk rock song is 'Linoleum' by NOFX. That's pure harmony, the coolest chord changes.

We take a lot of inspiration from punk rock and early rock 'n' roll from the '50s and early '60s.

I was the only real punk rock kid in my school, with, like, the plaid pants and the Rancid t-shirt.

Punk rock has become another viable art form. It always was. But now it's like everyone's doing it.

Ziggy Stardust, the Village People, and punk rock really shaped who I am as a person and as a gay man.

I just think that playing bass, like punk rock bass with a pick, wasn't meant to be done for 25 years.

I've learned some of the greatest life lessons from growing up in the skate and punk rock communities.

Thank you for the music, Sleater-Kinney. This gang of three was the best American punk rock band ever. Ever.

I play really bad punk rock guitar. Age-old friends; it's just great hanging out with your mates, causing havoc.

The Ruts were a great punk rock band from England whose songs were as excellent as their time together was short.

My mom was in a punk rock band called The Trash Women, and they toured and all of that. She had me when she was 17.

I enjoy everything. I actually do listen to everything. In high school, I listened to a lot of metal and punk rock.

I can play punk rock, and I love playing punk rock, but I was into every other style of music before I played punk rock.

Hip-hop and R&B is mostly what I listen to. I don't have a connection with punk rock - I just never had that experience.

For some young people, their first experience ever hearing punk rock music was playing the Green Bay Packers on 'Madden'.

Style has always been very important to us. We grew up in the '70s. Music was glam rock, punk rock and a very stylish movement.

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