I guess you can tease me about being a drama queen, because that did heighten the drama.

The difference between Everton and the Queen Mary is that Everton carry more passengers!

Mathematics is the queen of disciplines.... it will drive the nonsense out of your head!

There were only two things you did in New York City, Queens to be exact, music or sports.

Queen songs tend to be about very personal things: personal dreams and personal ambitions.

I have walked majestically with kings and queens and presidents and other heads of states.

Lady Queen," he said, "You've given me all I want. You're the queen a librarian dreams of.

It is obvious I shall have to abandon my hopes of getting the Queen's head off the stamps.

My father had no sons, so I became queen. The only thing I had to do was perform the role.

We might, either of us, be Queen of England and yet we'll always be nothing to our family.

Do you know why they call a drummer's seat a throne? Because drummers are kings and queens.

Tampa's crazy... The ladies in Tampa come in all flavors. I felt like I was at Dairy Queen.

"I could have done it in a much more complicated way," said the Red Queen, immensely proud.

It is outrageous that the Queen has invited royal tyrants to celebrate her diamond jubilee.

The Bishop and Knight, in contradistinction to the Queen and Rook, are called Minor Pieces.

A queen keeps a court that is spoken about. A goddess keeps a court that is never forgotten.

God promised by the mouth of Isaiah that queens should be the nursing mothers of the church.

A Queen's sacrifice, even when fairly obvious, always rejoices the heart of the chess-lover.

There are a lot of things in Queen albums that you don't expect; that's why we threw them in

I went to Queen's University Belfast and stayed nine months, then I ran away to be an actor.

I made her the queen of my double wide trailer with the polyester curtains and redwood deck.

Women have been called queens for a long time, but the kingdom given them isn't worth ruling.

Art is the queen of all sciences communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world.

The Queen is the only person who can put on a tiara with one hand, while walking down stairs.

God bless America, God Save the Queen, God defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia.

Aphrodite strikes again, huh? You're gonna be the best-dressed warrior in town, beauty queen.

Led Zeppelin. Queen. Deep Purple. These were the bands I listened to. I still listen to them.

I like people to go away from a Queen show feeling fully entertained, having had a good time.

The king pawn and the queen pawn are the only ones to be moved in the early part of the game.

I'd like to be a queen in people's hearts but I don't see myself being queen of this country.

I'm very business-minded. I think that's something that sets me aside from other drag queens.

Christine and the Queens is born out of a particular moment in my life where I was quite low.

[Queen Elizabeth] is just the granny queen! She's our granny queen who shakes people's hands!

The representatives of people become uncrowned kings and queens once they get into Parliament.

A woman with romance in her life lived as grandly as a queen, because her heart was treasured.

Exercise is your king, and nutrition is your queen. Together they create your fitness kingdom.

Money is the sovereign queen of all delights - for her, the lawyer pleads, the soldier fights.

Why do the Gods make kings and queens if not to protect the ones who can't protect themselves?

I've wined and dined with kings and queens, and I've slept in the alley eating pork and beans.

All tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Best of Queen albums.

Playing with Queen was the biggest moment of my career. It was like living a childhood fantasy.

It's a sad thing to contemplate, but I'm the last surviving cast member of 'The African Queen.'

Joan Crawford is a movie queen. I had never met one before. I know now what I don't want to be.

Most people are awestruck when they see Lady Gaga and Bette Midler, but then the queen comes in.

The way the Queens Democratic party machine has worked, they operate on a politics of exclusion.

Sometimes I carry a Green Marble SeLr setting spray. It's the one drag queens use. That is bomb.

The concept of Queen is to be regal and majestic. Glamour is part of us and we want to be dandy.

Men like the kings and the queens because men are weak! No strong man accepts any king or queen!

I want people to know that they are the masters, the queens, kings, and gods of their own story.

A king without a queen is not a king. The main point of creation is the union of male and female.

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