I grew up with artists and drag queens. These were just my neighbors and friends and the people who are raising me.

There's drag queens who lip sync brilliantly. There's drag queens who sing live brilliantly - none of those are me.

I think part of me would love to play a drag queen, just because it would be an excuse to wear loads of eye makeup.

The Queen sniffed. "I rather miss your Jace," she said. "Of all of you, he was the prettiest and the best-mannered.

I'm a girl from Queens. I've never gone, 'What am I doing today? Oh, I'm gonna grab a gun and learn how to use it.'

Let your inner queen's voice come through loud and clear. Be strong, be authentic, be you, and you'll do her proud.

I grew up in Flatbush, Queens, Laurelton. These are places where it's mostly black and there was a lot of diversity.

I feel like when you call us drag queens, it stereotypes us. It puts us as labels and I feel like we are performers.

I wasn't the high-school play queen or anything. And my parents would let not me act until I graduated from college.

When I go back to my hood, Queens, Brooklyn, or here in L.A., the people that's not famous, that's what inspires me.

A beautiful woman is born Queen of men and women both, as Mary Stuart was born Queen of Scots, whether men or women.

Oh, I'm a ballad queen for sure... I don't dig dance stuff very much but I seem to hit the charts with it. Go figure.

Beautiful princesses and beautiful, strong queens are brainwashed into thinking ho’s and B****’s are virtuous titles.

You know, not even your British Queen is called just Elizabeth - she's Elizabeth the Second. There's only one Imelda.

It was a special feeling, irreplaceable, that was priceless. No queen on the throne could feel more important than me.

Imagination is the queen of truth, and possibility is one of the regions of truth. She is positively akin to infinity.

For this mortal I would disobey my queen, abandon my king, the court that has protected me all these years. All of it.

I grew up listening to Queen. They were no stranger to throwing in the unexpected and something a little more dramatic.

History is the queen of the humanities. It teaches wisdom and humility, and it tells us how things change through time.

It never crossed my mind to make a film about Muhammad Ali or the Queen or any of them! They just come out of the blue.

Yes, but either way, shamed or not, I shall be Queen of England, and this is the last time you will sit in my presence.

We are all illusionists and that's why we are attracted to drag queens. This whole world is an illusion. It's not real.

When I read 'Scream Queens' for the first time, I felt the voice of the show was fresh, unapologetic, and non-stop fun.

You're the queen, and it's the queen's house, and whatever Brigan may accomplish, he's highly unlikely ever to be queen.

I am not a boy, not a girl, I am not gay, not straight, I am not a drag queen, not a transsexual - I am just me, Jackie.

The Queen Elizabeth II provides vast amounts of entertainment for an age that has forgotten how to amuse itself unaided.

With all their damned talk of modern painting, I've been forty years discovering that the queen of all colours is black!

The idea that you wake up and it happens that you're Queen, it's amazing but you could all be Queens if you imagined it.

I loved doing the 'King of Queens', I have never had so much fun doing a show. People got to see a different side of me.

I am now in a position to choose roles. I did not have so many offers before 'Queen', but now things have changed a lot.

[To the bishop who suggested the widowed queen now consider herself 'as married to Christ':] That's what I call twaddle!

I know Coney Island more than I know Queens and Brooklyn! And I understand everything about it - Coney Island is my home.

She is pure Alice in Wonderland, and her appearance and demeanor are a nicely judged mix of the Red Queen and a Flamingo.

Yet, O thou beautiful rose! Queen rose so fair and sweet. What were lover or crown to thee, without the clay at thy feet?

You're awake," he said. "Phresine is not," pointed out the queen. "Oh?" "You gave her lethium." "She gave it to me first.

I have never wanted to be a queen! Cleopatra was a role, and I am an actor, so it was fun to play one, but it's not real.

There's four biggies. There was Elizabeth I, George III, Victoria, and the current queen, who really dominated four eras.

The phone company handles 84 billion calls a year-everything from kings, queens, and presidents to the scum of the earth.

I never carry money, just like the real Queen. If I fancy something in a shop I always ask someone on our staff to buy it.

When I was almost two years old, my grandmother flew from Hongcheon, South Korea, to Flushing, Queens, to take care of me.

I decided early on that I was going to put on my crown and rule my world by acting right and treating myself like a queen.

I think Queen tribute bands are great. However, we have to keep them at arm's length, otherwise it could be too dangerous.

The Fela Kuti Queens - the band members and wives of the late African musician Fela Anikulapo Kuti - are my fashion icons.

Drag queens are extremely innovative and, I mean, we will persist through plague, famine, war or pandemic. We will prevail.

To be successful, one has to be one of three bees: the queen bee, the hardest working bee, or the bee that does not fit in.

Do you reckon the Queen has ever pulled a blanket up so just her head's showing and gone 'Philip, look at me! I'm a stamp!'

Viserys sold my mother's crown, and men called him a beggar. I shall keep this one, so men will call me a queen. (Daenerys)

Christianity is merely a system for turning priestesses into handmaidens, queens into concubines, and goddesses into muses.

I learned from my dad that when you walk in front of an audience, they are the kings and queens, and you're but the jester.

Queen Victoria, one of our more frumpy Queen's. They're all frumpy aren't they? Because it's a bad idea when cousin's marry.

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