As a player, if your attitude is questioned, it's horrible.

My fitness is one area I've never had questioned in my career.

I never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes.

There was a time that I questioned the government's role in abortion.

I questioned the blind faith demanded by my religion, which was Islam.

In every part of our society, rules have to be questioned and adapted.

The one thing I never questioned about my mother was whether she loved me.

I grew up in the church and had always questioned what they were telling me.

I never questioned if I was effeminate or not. That didn't matter in the theatre.

Everybody has an ego, and they don't like their athletic ability to be questioned.

I think blokes definitely sweat on most things when it comes to being questioned by women.

Every time my capability as an actor would be questioned, I would put in double the effort.

As a dancer running around the world, I always questioned whether that's what I wanted to do.

You know yourself if you are doing well, and I think my form shouldn't be getting questioned.

Beliefs and values that have held sway for thousands of years will be questioned as never before.

The president's powers are always open to being questioned by the co-equal branches of government.

I blindly loved music and never once questioned if I was weird or not. I didn't care. Still don't!

Actually, my character needs to be questioned. On a regular basis. By people who know and love me.

Some people have questioned whether or not I can play a nice guy. Sometimes you can't win for losing.

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

Our staff not only received the reports from these agencies, they examined them. They questioned them.

If you've ever questioned your faith, you're going to question it when you are burying your own children.

People have always questioned, Was I crazy? And I'm like, 'No, I'm not crazy. I'm just totally committed.'

I felt that a number of people might have questioned my loyalty, but I continue to be a patriotic American.

No man likes to have his intelligence or good faith questioned, especially if he has doubts about it himself.

I'm not the only Labour MP who sent their child to public school but I'm the only one who's questioned about it.

I have no private life at all. I am a hunted woman. I can't take a step without being questioned and surrounded.

Australia has a thing where apparently it's fine for me to dress up as an Asian woman. No one has questioned that.

And I may often question choices I make as a producer. But I've never questioned the choices I make as a director.

People have questioned my commitment to Scotland but it's actually the opposite. My problem is I can never say no.

I knew that this was going to be questioned and it was going to come under skepticism as to why I left 'Star Wars'.

I had parents who were incredibly loving and nurturing and always made me feel beautiful, so I never really questioned that.

A lot of people have questioned how yoga and their own spiritual beliefs can come together. Yoga actually pre-dates religion.

Man is a question; woman is an answer. The mistake women make today is to offer themselves as answers before being questioned.

You see, some non-Catholic friends of mine have questioned the depth of my faith because of the fact that I have a good education.

My faith in my filmmaking changed on the heels of 'Titan.' It allowed me to pursue things that I previously would have questioned.

What would happen if the markets suddenly questioned our ability to keep public finances in check? What would be the effect on growth?

Always, as a player, you are questioned and challenged about the next step. That's what drives the very best: they want to continually win.

Men are rarely questioned on their spouses or their partners, and nor should they be. And the question to ask is why is this done to women?

I questioned everything. I didn't see a character developed in Platoon at all. The character in Blue Velvet was much more fascinating to me.

Each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.

My mom was really vigorous about making sure that we saw things and that we questioned things. Education was so important to both of my parents.

I think we're in an era of unprecedented dominance by corporations. I think people understand that deeply; I don't think that's even questioned.

In high school, I would drive my teachers batty. They would make a statement, and I would say, 'Why is that?' They didn't want to be questioned.

We are tired of having our integrity impugned. We are tired of having our sincerity questioned. We are tired of having our intelligence insulted.

My work since the late '80s specifically questioned what was presented as the 'natural' order of things in the history of post-war-N.Y. painting.

I have frequently been questioned, especially by women, of how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well, it has not been easy.

I wish we questioned the aid model as much as we are questioning the capitalism model. Sometimes the most generous thing you can do is just say no.

Klopstock was questioned regarding the meaning of a passage in his poem. He replied, 'God and I both knew what it meant once; now God alone knows.'

The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such. All leaders whose fitness is questioned are clearly lacking in force.

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