Terrorists destroy randomly.

I didn't want to just be making music randomly and not have any direction.

The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.

I have been singing randomly, obsessively, obnoxiously for as long as I can remember.

I don't date guys that I just meet randomly. I don't feel comfortable meeting strangers.

I was a chemical engineer in school. And, randomly, an ex-girlfriend dared me to do a play.

I never want to be randomly posing with a product or putting my name to a brand arbitrarily.

It's almost not safe to be an artist, the way everybody is randomly picking people to feud with.

The thing about a sense of humour is that it's not bestowed on the good. It's just randomly dished out.

I don't go on tour tours - I just go randomly to cities to do shows if I have an opening in my schedule.

People don't know how to reach record labels, and a lot of time labels don't listen to stuff that's sent in randomly.

Every day, you have to make three hours of music, just randomly improvising, and that's a great way to weed stuff out.

I'd much rather go out and have music randomly presented to me by different DJs than stay home and discover it on my own.

When you go onto the internet, if you really rummage around randomly then how do you hope to find something of any of value?

It's much easier to get a reception from someone if there is an introduction versus randomly trying to get in front of people.

I've always been interested in photographs, collecting them not systematically but randomly. They get lost, then turn up again.

I write most songs randomly. They don't always deal with something I've been through but something I think is important to tell.

I am always looking for ideas, whether it is in art on the street or in my world travels. It comes to me randomly and unexpectedly.

After studying art, I was a painter for a while and was asked to audition for a movie randomly. I hadn't thought of acting before that.

I think - I'm always interested in reaching people in different ways, not by - not by just standing on a - randomly on a subway platform.

You can't just take an image and randomly distort it and call it art - although many people in La Jolla where I come from do precisely that.

I go through stages. Randomly, I'll be attracted to a crazy rocker with tattoos. And I find that I'm extremely attracted to ambition and wit.

My favourite moments at Dreamforce are when people come up and thank me randomly. It's a selfish time for me, as I get lots of positive feedback.

I randomly went to a casting session in my hometown in North Carolina, and the casting director introduced me to my manager. I really lucked into it!

No one would choose to be jerked randomly off task again and again until you have half a dozen things you're trying to get done, all at the same time.

Transposons are just small pieces of DNA that randomly insert in the genetic code. And if they insert in the middle of the gene, they disrupt its function.

YouTube was always a secret space for me. I'd randomly post videos of me singing with guitar, or sometimes I'd post some half-finished film projects I'd made.

Maybe people don't understand my openness. In fact, if someone randomly comes and hugs me, I'd hug them right back. I am all for free hugs that make people happy.

Randomly enough, my older sisters went to a makeup school when they were younger, so they're all really good at it. They've always told me that 'natural is better.'

Sometimes, I can myself be frustrated by books that seem to me to be insufficiently realistic about the world's potential for just being totally a randomly bad place.

How do you find a buried city in a vast landscape? Finding it randomly would be the equivalent of locating a needle in a haystack, blindfolded, wearing baseball mitts.

In debate, one randomly was assigned to one side or the other. This had at least one virtue - it made one see that there was more than one side to these complex issues.

Many people think that open source projects are sort of chaotic and and anarchistic. They think that developers randomly throw code at the code base and see what sticks.

I would just randomly blurt out things like, 'What if a man showed up today and was carrying an umbrella, but it wasn't raining?' Eventually, people started to call me weird.

I've been enjoying 'Life on the Mississippi' by Mark Twain that I picked up at the airport randomly. It's very witty and interesting to read about his time as a steamboat pilot.

Even now, when I try and think of band names just randomly, I'm so thankful that 'fun.' is the name of the band. I never really think twice about it. It is so simple and so easy.

There was no entertainment industry at all in Spokane, Washington, where I was raised. When I was 12, this movie came to town randomly, and I begged my parents to let me audition.

'Minecraft' is to a large degree about having unique experiences that nobody else has had. The levels are randomly generated, and you can build anything you want to build yourself.

I personally love mini bouquets randomly throughout my bathroom and my dressing room. I'll put a small bouquet on a dresser or on a round marble table in my bathroom next to the sink.

I was a real mess at school. I got a bit of a reputation for being the weird girl: the girl who'd go silent randomly and just kind of write down replies to people's questions in a book.

Anything that can unambiguously represent two values - while resisting, just a wee bit, randomly flipping from the state you want retained into the opposite state - can encode binary data.

Nature, I have constantly argued in my work, is the real superpower of this godless universe. It is the ultimate disposer of human fate, randomly recarving geography over 10,000-year epochs.

I programmed computers every day. And one of my favourite apps we built was this thing called Awesome Updater, that all it did is send you a tweet randomly that was like, 'Yo, you're awesome.'

I just randomly fell into acting. I was so young at the time that I never really thought about acting... After I was into it, I had a feeling that I was going to end up doing this anyway somehow.

I'm just randomly wandering around the Walt Disney studios making pew-pew sounds, trying to direct people, and nobody listens to me anymore. I'm turning into a Force ghost. It's a strange feeling.

When I'm sniffing around new territory, I often choose, rather randomly, one general book and then follow its bibliography and notes to other, more specialized works and to the primary source material.

My parents were keen for me to have the education they themselves never had. They weren't able to guide me towards particular books, but they encouraged me to read, which I did, randomly and compulsively.

I've reached the point where people text me randomly for favors, like, 'Hey can I pick your brain?' People I haven't talked to in years are asking for favors. It's like, 'Wow people really got some nerve.'

I have always wanted to sing at some point in my life. In fact, when I was shooting for 'Oohalu Gusagusalaade,' I would randomly start singing on the sets, and I even earned a nickname 'Radio' on that film.

My show is constantly evolving... new tricks are added, old ones are dropped... so it stays fresh. But it's the randomly selected participants from the audience that make it fresh and provide some of the best comic relief.

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