The art of reading is to skip judiciously.

Spelling is improved when reading is done.

Writing a novel is a lot like reading one.

Ideas can come while reading a good novel.

The more you read, the more you calm down.

From candlelight to early bedtime, I read.

Reading takes solitude and it takes focus.

All reading for pleasure is entertainment.

T'is true: there's magic in the web of it.

Reading makes you smarter. It really does.

Only one book is worth reading: the heart.

Reading is the last act of secular prayer.

Books are not men and yet they stay alive.

I’m reading! I don’t want to be disturbed!

Reading. That was the sport I was good at.

A word after a word after a word is power.

Reading is very good. And you can quote me!

You're either reading a book or you're not.

I pity those who have no taste for reading.

Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.

I am a part of everything that I have read.

I cannot sit and think; books think for me.

I had a lot of reading problems growing up.

It takes hard writing to make easy reading.

Each servant stamps the reader with a look.

Reading allows me to recharge my batteries.

I don't want little kids reading my comics.

A library book, I imagine, is a happy book.

The book should act as a window to the word.

The Phoenix Program is must reading for all.

Anything that gets children reading is fine.

I get so excited about reading a new script.

I read to my kid, but I can't stand reading.

Reading is more important to me than eating.

Enthusiasm is contagious. Start an epidemic.

All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.

While we are reading, we are all Don Quixote.

Reading is the inhale, writing is the exhale.

Tis the good reader that makes the good book.

Life is too short for reading inferior books.

A book is a device to ignite the imagination.

A library should be like a pair of open arms.

I grew up reading Shakespeare and Mark Twain.

I spent my life in the library reading books.

My bullshit meter is reading that as 'false'.

I am well versed in reading the pages of war.

My ideal summer day was reading on the porch.

Taste is the literary conscience of the soul.

Think before you speak. Read before you think.

Reading centers on finding yourself in a book.

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