Facts are counterrevolutionary.

I have a bit of a rebellious nature.

Revolutions are not made, they come.

I was a little rebellious growing up.

In my own way, I was a rebellious kid.

It's kind of rebellious to be yourself.

Clemency is also a revolutionary measure.

The backseat produced the sexual revolution.

Sanctity and genius are as rebellious as vice.

Love is a rebellious bird that no one can tame

We sing in a church, why can we not dance there?

I was a rebellious kid, always getting into trouble.

My energy comes from freedom and a rebellious spirit.

I was only a village doctor with a rebellious streak.

Thinkers prepare the revolution and bandits carry it out.

I do have a slightly rebellious streak in me, I'm afraid.

I'm not really rebellious. People think I am, but I'm not.

I think all kids are rebellious. It's a part of growing up.

I think hip hop is a dance music that's rebellious by nature.

I wanted each woman to be a rebellious Vashti, not an Esther.

We cannot make events. Our business is wisely to improve them.

I try to help my mum as much as I can by not being rebellious.

I am extremely rebellious. I have this strong, defiant spirit.

Nothing is worth doing unless the consequences may be serious.

Kings are not born: they are made by artificial hallucination.

Literature is dangerous: it awakens a rebellious attitude in us.

There is something about a bureaucrat that does not like a poem.

The only successful revolution of this century is totalitarianism.

Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability.

I have been ever of opinion that revolutions are not to be evaded.

I was not a rebellious teenager. I was a sit-in-your-room teenager.

Wrestling is one of the last truly rebellious American things left.

I'm not that rebellious. There's a part of me that wishes I was that.

I went through a period when I was rebellious and a mess of a person.

I do think I have a rebellious, metal-loving rock chick inside of me.

The vilest abortionist is he who attempts to mould a child's character.

Obedience simulates subordination as fear of the police simulates honesty.

We are ap tu hate them, who wont take our advice, and despise them who do.

I think you can be defiant and rebellious and still be strong and positive.

I was probably the only professed revolutionary ever referred to as "cute."

Fascism was a counter-revolution against a revolution that never took place.

Whatever happened to the tomboy I used to be, the slightly rebellious rocker?

Crime is only the retail department of what, in wholesale, we call penal law.

In a revolution, as in a novel, the most difficult part to invent is the end.

In revolutions the occasions may be trifling but great interest are at stake.

How can what an Englishman believes be hearsay? It is a contradiction in terms.

Slamdance actually is indie and rebellious. Sundance obviously felt threatened.

Bureaucracy is not an obstacle to democracy but an inevitable complement to it.

The disease which inflicts bureaucracy and what they usually die from is routine.

Punk rock is very rebellious, of course, but it also means thinking for yourself.

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