Happiness is hard to recall. Its just a glow.

Happiness is hard to recall. Its just a glow.

I don't recall getting a first guitar.

To see you naked is to recall the Earth.

The Gods themselves cannot recall their gifts.

I just have pretty good recall of information.

I do not recall ever seeing Spirit perform live.

I don't recall being excited about a new rapper, ever.

I don't recall ever desiring to go as fast as possible.

I can still recall the thrill of shooting my first film.

I don't recall Pakistan ever mixing sports with politics.

I do not recall a Jewish home without a book on the table.

When I draw, I always recall my mindset when I was a child.

As long as I can recall I've always wanted to make cartoons.

I cannot recall a time that I did not believe in Jesus Christ.

You know, I think I had my first past life recall when I was 7.

I've been passionate about singing for as long as I can recall.

15 minutes will open up the amnesia and you'll have full recall.

My police record says I went to Panama City, but I don't recall it.

What we recall as children is a version of what's happening around us.

There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery.

If I recall correctly, I think I signed my first contract with Tor in 1983.

I don't recall having any self-awareness about the intricacy of my stories.

I don't recall your name but you sure were a sucker for a high inside curve.

My military experience... I can recall so many different emotions from that.

I do not recall spending long hours in front of a mirror loving my reflection.

I don't recall any interest in science in particular. It came later in college.

As a schoolboy I can recall playing three games a week and not even feeling it.

I'd like to be able to recall every J. Lo music video dance routine ever, naturally.

In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these.

I don't remember my skin changing, but I do recall feeling deeply loved by my family.

I grew up in Spokane, Washington, and I can't recall ever not wanting to be an astronaut.

The Lord opened the understanding of my unbelieving heart, so that I should recall my sins.

The best umpired game is the game in which the fans cannot recall the umpires who worked it.

Only people have been through that miserable time will recall the pass from their deep memory.

The only good Philip K. Dick film is 'Total Recall.' It's faithful to the book. Arnie gets it.

If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today.

People still recall my show 'Philips Top 10' with Pankaj Kapoor. Those characters were lovable.

I'd like to think I have good recall of games I've been a part of and plays I've been a part of.

When ambitious desires arise in thy heart, recall the days of extremity thou has passed through.

True penitence condemns to silence. What a man is ready to recall he would be willing to repeat.

As I recall, my life as a child was so all-consuming that I barely had time to consider the future.

I don't recall having a gun. I really don't. I don't think I ever pulled a gun on anyone in my life.

I feel proud every time I recall the valour and courage of our army men in the war against Pakistan.

I didn't even recall being on the DB sessions until Herbie Flowers reminded me a couple of years ago.

When I got the part, I tried to remember Batman as I knew him when I was a kid - with emotional recall.

I recall being fascinated by numbers even at age three and viewed their manipulation as a kind of game.

My mother was electric onstage, and I vividly recall the extraordinary power she had over her audiences.

I cannot recall any moment of clarity about becoming a writer. I always liked to read. That's what did it.

I've been playing as early as I can recall. I don't even remember the first time I picked up a basketball.

There are people who recall my father as a saint and a monster. I'm quite sure I will share the same fate.

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