I think people reckon I am prim and proper.

I reckon domesticated cats have a pretty good life.

I reckon I'm actually one of the least funny in my family.

I reckon this could mean another 10 million at the box office.

At an everyday level I would reckon myself more than fortunate.

Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon.

I feel I am a little bit older. Reckon I will start growing a beard next week.

I reckon I'd be probably, like, in the gutter somewhere if I didn't have music.

I reckon I'm in pyjamas 70 per cent of my life. But I do love getting dressed up, too.

I reckon I would be able compare anything to anything else if you gave me enough time.

Self-will in the man who does not reckon wisely is by itself the weakest of all things.

A few people have said my granddad looks like me, but I reckon he's far better looking.

I haven't any sort of plans for the future but I reckon things will work out in some manner.

When it comes to strength, I reckon pound for pound I'm one of the strongest in the whole UFC.

I reckon I tried everything on the old apple, but salt and pepper and chocolate sauce topping.

It's hard, but what's the point of having children unless you're there to raise them, I reckon.

Well being as there's no other place around the place, I reckon this must be the place, I reckon.

I reckon I closed down at least two films companies, one of which was in Ealing in the mid 1950s.

I came into the film industry when I was 35 years old; I reckon it's a bit late to start with that.

I'm going to say yes, I reckon we'll have the first BME (black or minority ethnicity) prime minister.

We seldom call anybody lazy, but such as we reckon inferior to us, and of whom we expect some service.

I reckon, if I was a girl, I'd fancy Johnny Depp - he's pretty cool. I wish I looked like Johnny Depp.

I reckon there could be an entire 'It'll Be Alright On The Night' programme dedicated to me on 'The Chase.'

I reckon I had 30 Spider-Man costumes over the years since I was a little baby. I had Spider-Man bed sheets.

I've always been a workaholic. I reckon, on average, I've had less than one day a year off in my working career.

If you put me against most sprinters in the world, I reckon over a start I could get very close, if not take them.

There is no dearth of talent in India, and it is going to be the force to reckon with in world wrestling in future.

If I'm judged against my peers, rather than anyone else we could both think of, then I reckon I deserve to make records.

The educator must above all understand how to wait; to reckon all effects in the light of the future, not of the present.

If I've got an event coming up, I might buy myself a new suit. I prefer wearing suits to dresses - I reckon I've got about 15.

If you haven't read 'In The Morning I'll Be Gone', I reckon it's a pretty good place to start if you're new to me and my books.

Somebody who can reckon with the past, who can live with the past in the present, and move towards the future - that's fabulous.

Before I latched onto the concept of stereotypes, not once did I reckon with the fact that I would never be a 'Hollywood starlet.'

I love better to count time from spring to spring; it seems to me far more cheerful to reckon the year by blossoms than by blight.

One of the things I did well as a young kid was to link well with the rest of the team, so I reckon it's something which is natural for me.

I reckon if you stick to the same thing every day for lunch when you are traveling, you know where you are. And it is one less decision to make.

I don't reckon there are many writers who start out really expecting writing to be an attainable occupation. Well, I didn't. It was a pipe dream.

I reckon you have to put a presence in front of your opponent - a bit of confidence and attitude - and then you can change what their next move may be.

Unfortunately, we have very few female composers in our country, but Sneha Khanwalkar, Alokananda Dasgupta, and Jasleen Royal are forces to reckon with.

I would like to sound like James Mason. I reckon if I'd had a better voice I could have been prime minister. It is the most irritating voice in public life.

Sandalwood is a force to reckon with. People from all over are investing time and money here because the films have good reach and reap good rewards as well.

I think that there was a period of time - and I would reckon it was about 12 years - where I was just determined to see if I could build a career for myself.

If you find great difficulty in trying to reckon with the future or even the present, I think it's intuitive to start that process by reckoning with the past.

If the human condition were the periodic table, maybe love would be hydrogen at No. 1. Death would be helium at No. 2. Power, I reckon, would be where oxygen is.

When you connect as many memories to your geography as I have, and then you see that geography change around you, you're forced to reckon with the passage of time.

It's just like music when you reckon it up. It's like listening to Pavement it's just The Fall in 1985, isn't it? They haven't got an original idea in their heads.

Spinners are a funny breed. If they're playing on seaming pitches they moan and if they're about to play on real 'Bunsen burners' they reckon the pressure is on them.

We're in a world that celebrates things: success, beauty, money. And I reckon that's really about 4 per cent of the world. The rest of us are just getting on with it.

The past is never the past. It is always present. And you better reckon with it in your life and in your daily experience, or it will get you. It will get you really bad.

Trauma and pain and suffering can be the very thing that dislodges a person from themselves both in awful ways and larger ways that force one to reckon with one's own life.

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