We must reinforce argument with results.

The differences between friends cannot but reinforce their friendship.

Advertising generally works to reinforce consumer trends rather than to initiate them.

Trust obviously develops when you reinforce what you say you're going to do by actions.

Enhanced transparency has helped to reinforce the stability of India's financial system.

Select your friendships carefully. Gather people around you who will reinforce your lifestyle.

Excellent, there's nothing quite like a blunt object to reinforce proper administration ethics.

One of the goals of the Feminist Elite is to reinforce to women the idea that men are obsolete.

I'd like to reinforce that fact that if you put out positive stuff that that's what you get back.

We're Americans. It's a culture. We should defend that culture, and we should reinforce that culture.

Sam Walton was a master storyteller who used illustrative stories to reinforce his cultural standards.

I try to be as thoughtful as I can about everything that comes out of my mouth and not reinforce sexism.

The most heinous shift in American films is that they reinforce good things like 'couples' and 'relationships.'

Commercialization of assets off the planet would mutually reinforce the growth of interplanetary communication.

Technology has allowed the creation of media echo chambers, so that a person can reinforce, rather than debate, viewpoints.

I think it's really important to remind, reinforce people that their lives have value, you know? That their lives have worth.

Mass consumption, advertising, and mass art are a corporate Frankenstein; while they reinforce the system, they also undermine it.

Negativity is like a blood clot, and actively disengaged employees sometimes clot together in groups that support and reinforce their beliefs.

The separation of audience into tribes preferring to reinforce their own views with media of similar ideological stripe makes true debate impossible.

I do believe babies are born potty-trained. They're born knowing and are able to give subtle signals that become very prominent if you reinforce them.

A greater focus on design in all new homes would make the best use of land, create homes and public spaces, and reinforce the structures of urban life.

Once every 12 years there is a unique opportunity to reinforce the bonds between Mexico and the United States, when our presidential election cycles coincide.

I often think you bring unhappiness on yourself, because if you don't like yourself very much, you allow yourself to be influenced by people who reinforce that.

You really just have to come in and build the spirit up of your team by working them everyday, showing them examples of what they've done and reinforce their work.

My focus - even before becoming CEO - has always been memorable and unique content. And one of the most important things we did to reinforce that was create A+E Studios.

Most of the research which is done is determined by the requirement that it shall, in a fairly obvious and predictable way, reinforce the approved or fashionable theories.

In many ways, the Internet is about diversification, and yet, in the wrong hands, the digital world can use those very examples to reinforce the narrowest of perspectives.

The ideal of behaviorism is to eliminate coercion: to apply controls by changing the environment in such a way as to reinforce the kind of behavior that benefits everyone.

Most people who are activists and are concerned about issues get their information from sources which reinforce their opinions and give them the facts that they want to hear.

I guess many of us are just prone to see what the other side is up to, maybe to reinforce our own worldviews and feel confident that our ideology is right and theirs is wrong.

Film is a very, very powerful medium. It can either confirm the idea that things are wonderful the way they are, or it can reinforce the conception that things can be changed.

While television can help normalize the lives of marginalized people, it also can exploit their hardships and reinforce stereotypes, reducing their lives to mere entertainment.

We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones - and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.

I leave it very open because, at the end of the day, it's one of those things where I shouldn't have to reinforce and state, 'No, I'm a heterosexual' - because that's all nonsense.

Great leaders understand that historical success tends to produce stable and inwardly focused organizations, and these outfits, in turn, reinforce a feeling of contentment with the status quo.

What the Anzac legend did do, by the bravery and sacrifice of our troops, was reinforce our own cultural notions of independence, mateship, and ingenuity. Of resilience and courage in adversity.

The mid-eighteen-thirties marked the rise of eugenics and racialism, with phrenology emerging as just one of the many pseudosciences that sought to enact, reinforce, and restrict racial difference.

The preservation of our national security and the laws that define us as the United States of America demand that we understand the intersection of the two - indeed, how they reinforce one another.

Admitting weakness seems to be such a severe psychic threat for Bush that when he makes a mistake it's safer just to reinforce it. The strategy creates a perverse system of rewards and punishments.

I think one of the most threatening places to be in politics is a black conservative because there are so many liberals who want to continue to reinforce a stereotype that doesn't exist about America.

That the potential to become Level 5 exists in you and me and the people we work with and that it is then a process or a journey to nurture that seed... in a culture by and large that doesn't reinforce it.

At no point am I ever threatened by people who question who I am, or why I like the things I do, or my legitimacy. Because I know who I am very strongly, and I think that's what geek culture can reinforce.

Every time we pick up a book from a sense of duty and we find that we're struggling to get through it, we reinforce the notion that reading is something we should do, but telly is something that we want to do.

Facebook is primarily a mechanism for bonding, not bridging. Studies show that in the vast majority of cases, people live in self-made echo chambers on Facebook that reinforce their existing views of the world.

The message of body acceptance built on Jennifer Lawrence's soundbites only empowers those who are willing to ignore the fact that her statements reinforce our current cultural views rather than subverting them.

There is this peculiar blind spot in the culture of academic medicine around whether withholding trial results is research misconduct. People who work in any industry can reinforce each others' ideas about what is okay.

When bosses, leaders, and powerful men and women ignore or deny the accounts of harassment victims, they reinforce the idea that harassers are playing the game as they should and that the rest of us should fall in line.

I've never been what they call a 'pure gallerist.' I find that somewhat pretentious, honestly - I'm an art dealer. I like to show great artists of our time, but I also like dealing. And I think they reinforce each other.

Know that any and all thoughts that you have regarding your own skills, interests, and inclinations are valid. To reinforce the validity of your thoughts, keep them private. Tell yourself that they're between you and God.

Committed partisans are generally the most knowledgeable voters, independents the least. And the more political knowledge people have, the more apt they are to discuss politics with people who agree with, and reinforce, them.

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