No religion but blasphemes a little.

I'm religiously opposed to religion.

Science leads you to killing people.

I'm Miss USA, not Miss Religion USA.

Religion is the opium of the masses.

Only religion can lead to such evil.

Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit.

Not everybody has to sing the melody.

Kill them all, for God knows His own.

Caress the detail, the divine detail.

Religion is using everything for God.

Religion is the pious worship of God.

Lord, we don't need another mountain.

Twin-sister of Religion, Selfishness.

Religion, richest favor of the skies.

Even thugs cry, but do the Lord care?

We got to pray just to make it today.

Sympathy is no substitute for action.

I am for religion, against religions.

Heaven for climate, Hell for company.

Religion is civilization, the highest.

All religions begin with the cry Help.

Religion and slavery are incompatible.

The love of heaven makes one heavenly.

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

Where knowledge ends, religion begins.

God save us from people who mean well.

Sects differ more in name than tenets.

Surfing is my religion, if I have one.

There's no religion but sex and music.

Christianity is such a silly religion.

Consult the Genius of the Place in all.

Religions change; beer and wine remain.

Most people do not pray; they only beg.

Help cure the world of the faith virus.

Religions are the cradles of despotism.

My religion has no geographical limits.

Dear Pope, send me some hope or a rope.

Organizing atheists is like hurding cats

There is no [...] higher than the truth.

Religion needs a baptism of horse sense.

God himself has no right to be a tyrant.

The worshiper is the father of the gods.

Heal yourselves, doctors; by God I live.

Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.

If there is a supreme being, he's crazy.

Religion: Together we can find the cure.

I'm an atheist. I don't have a religion.

Confucius does his crossword with a pen.

Without God, I don't see how folks cope.

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