The right to revolt has sources deep in our history.

The worst thing about religion was religious people.

The same sun that melts the butter hardens the clay.

Save me from this road I'm on, Jesus take the wheel.

[The Bible] is the rock on which our Republic rests.

Gods dont kill people. People with Gods kill people.

Cruelty to animals is as if humans did not love God.

For Jesus Christ I am prepared to suffer still more.

How can we bless at one moment and curse at another?

The whole meaning of prayer is that we may know God.

Why only twelve disciples? Go out and get thousands.

Religious hatreds tend to be merciless and absolute.

It is not the part of faith to question, but to obey.

My only enemy is right-wing religious fundamentalism.

God prefers fruits of the spirit over religious nuts.

The only church that illuminates is a burning church.

Man gives you the award but God gives you the reward.

The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason.

This country was founded by religious nuts with guns.

To us, waiting is wasting. To God waiting is working.

If God is the author of life, there must be a script.

Heaven plants a special seed, and we must have faith.

Political truth is libel; religious truth, blasphemy.

The Indian was a religious man from his mother's womb.

Real faith is refined in the fires and storms of pain.

Religious Cult: The church down the street from yours.

May Allah steal from you All that steals you from Him.

The downtrodden are more religious than the satisfied.

I could be religious, if they sang the hymns to disco.

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

The Indian was a religious man from his mother's womb.

ORTHODOX, n. An ox wearing the popular religious joke.

All my life I thank God. My family was very religious.

I don't know if I would call myself a religious human.

At times life becomes too busy for religious thoughts.

What if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us?

The religious world is but a reflex of the real world.

In your eyes I see the doorway to a thousand churches.

The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.

I am a religious person, although I am not a believer.

I believe in God; I'm not saying I'm highly religious.

The Christian Religion as I understand it is the best.

Religious freedom does not mean freedom from religion.

Dreams can come true with God's great angels like you.

The word spiritual, not the word religious, is the key.

Do not be afraid to be the saints of the new mellineum!

Demons live in many lands, but particularly in Prussia.

I am not a religious person, nor do I have any regrets.

Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.

Antireligious bigotry is not confined to the classroom.

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