It's important for the team not to be relying on one player.

There are so many women out there relying on me to represent them.

Human beings are going to be relying on natural resources for a long time.

I'm tired of relying on someone to drive me around. I just want my freedom.

Relying on someone else to be successful only ties you down and limits you.

Acting is probably the only profession where you are relying only on empathy.

By relying on my experience as a player, I hope to one day perform as a coach.

The trail of dating sites relying heavily on Facebook is littered with failures.

As an actor you have to wait for someone to cast you, so you're relying on the business.

Truth be told, relying on 'one country, two systems' to preserve our values is a lost cause.

It takes some discipline and hard work, but relying on credit when things go wrong is a trap.

Even when I was going through difficult times, I never really thought about relying on others.

To sing a song is like whispering to a child's ear. It is an art heavily relying on improvisation.

The problem with relying on nostalgia for commentary is that people only remember the good things.

Epic will manually curate the Epic Games storefront rather than relying on algorithms or paid ads.

I've been out of work so many times in my life that relying too much on just one job is terrifying.

I think anytime you start relying on a format to get you by you've got weak material to begin with.

When you're usually competing and contending, you're not relying on younger players to produce for you.

I say to consumers: instead of relying totally on critics, drink what you like and like what you drink.

I am relying on the theory that playing golf is just like riding a bike and that I haven't forgotten how.

You have to figure out some way of making money without relying on video ads or people paying to download.

Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds.

The nature of a football team means you're relying on 10 other guys. Even then, that doesn't guarantee a win.

I didn't want to start relying on what someone else thought was right. It was easier to go away all together.

Understanding money is part of being independent. You can't be self-sufficient if you're relying on someone else.

The Qur'an is in many ways far less concrete than the Bible, relying on the esoteric more often than the apparent.

You can't have a situation in which companies proceed on a permanent basis relying only on cash from the government.

Stop relying only on technology. Technology can help the qualified, well-trained human being but cannot replace him.

One problem with relying on existing concepts is that it could stifle innovation, weakening the film sector over time.

The GOP cannot expect to win the presidency in the future by simply relying on running up big numbers with white voters.

I live and work alone and travel light, relying largely on my memory and making a point of letting intuition guide my way.

Let's be cautious about relying so much on material things that we have no energy left for the spiritual aspects of our lives.

On your own, relying on yourself, you will never feel you are stronger than the mountain, and your respect for the peak grows.

There is no greater challenge than to have someone relying upon you; no greater satisfaction than to vindicate his expectation.

I failed the most important people in my life, you know, on September 8, 2009. People who were relying on me more than anything.

Problems arise when we go through life relying too much or too little on particular traits, which, in turn, can lead to a crisis.

Relying on nothing but scientific knowledge to produce an engineering solution is to invite frustration at best and failure at worst.

Abstracting human wisdom into models often works better than relying on human experts as models are often more consistent and less noisy.

Government social programs introduced in the '60s by liberal Democratic politicians seduced black men into relying on 'programs' over God.

You can find out anything you want about a car now, and especially every bit of information about the price, without relying on the dealers.

The unique danger today is the possibility that we may face longer-term stagnation as a consequence of relying too heavily on borrowed money.

It's a uniquely American thing that we as individuals not relying on government but we as individuals pitch in to make our communities better.

When you start writing fiction, you have to learn to invent, and it's very hard at the beginning to stop relying on facts and what you've heard.

Our responsibility is to learn to draw upon the power of the Atonement. Otherwise, we walk through mortality relying solely on our own strength.

'Johnny' was always a lone wolf when he got on stage. Him against the world, whereas suddenly, when I got into acting, people were relying on me.

That's always the goal. If you don't want to be the best or have the company on your back with everyone relying on you, then you shouldn't be here.

Fashion brands looking for explosive growth go the wholesale route, to get their products into stores, but then they end up relying on those sales.

Celebrities might be experts when it comes to working the red carpet, but relying on them to guide your health and wellness can be a slippery slope.

History suggests that attempts to privatize Medicare by relying on private companies to offer Medicare benefits in rural America simply will not work.

All things being equal, letting people make decisions for themselves will produce smarter outcomes, collectively, than relying on government planners.

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