Know the right moment.

Who has words at the right moment?

I got into comedy at exactly the right moment.

All the books I've read, I've read at the right moment.

I would be happy to go back to Spain at the right moment.

God always puts somebody in your life at the right moment.

When the right moment appears, the key is to not let it pass.

My photography is the result of being there at the right moment.

Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.

I was lucky that I met the right mentors and teachers at the right moment.

A blunder at the right moment is better than cleverness at the wrong time.

Talent is not enough. You need to be in the right place at the right moment.

I fell into music, but I just needed to find the right moment to jump into acting.

I suppose that's one of the ironies of life doing the wrong thing at the right moment.

I think I came at the right moment at 'SNL.' There was a space for me, and I was good at it.

Maybe I see myself with kids, given the right place and right moment, with the right person.

Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans. It is lovely to be silly at the right moment.

It's difficult to get success in football - you have to be in the right team at the right moment.

The Pulitzer is a crapshoot. Your piece has to hit a few people the right way at the right moment.

I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.

I like to have the ball first of all and to pass, these short passes to create the space at the right moment.

The aim of tai chi is not to strike first to gain dominance over an opponent, but to wait and hit at the right moment.

I have to do a better job of picking the spots where I want to attack and picking the right moment when I need to attack.

There are a lot of aspects of filmmaking that I love, but one of my favorites is in post, finding the right song for the right moment.

To represent a country, qualify for the World Cup, and get a team to perform at the right moment in time would be great honour for me.

Hogan began when tastes were changing and people were moving away from clothes that were not so formal: Hogan caught the right moment.

I love being manipulated by what I see. I love weepies and romantic comedies where you're reaching for the Kleenex at the right moment.

The success or failure of a life, as far as posterity goes, seems to lie in the more or less luck of seizing the right moment of escape.

Luck can often mean simply taking advantage of a situation at the right moment. It is possible to make your luck by being always prepared.

The Houston team I was on - we were just rolling. We just hit the right stride at the right moment. And the Lakers team, we were rolling again.

Scoring and fishing are comparable. In both cases, you must have patience and wait for the right moment to strike power with the utmost coolness.

The right moment wears a full head of hair: when it has been missed, you can't get it back; it's bald in the back of the head and never turns around.

The Garden Bridge has not found its right moment, but I hope one day it will and that London continues to be open to ideas that make life here better.

We are studying the opponent all the time and it is maybe about chess and finding the right move at the right moment and that makes this so interesting.

We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time.

I showed up pretty much at the exact right moment to end up with a lot of work on my plate very quickly, because I was young and foolish, and so I wrote very quickly.

I've become a professional failure - in order to pay the mortgage I have to remain unemployed. Luckily, a disaster always seems to befall me at exactly the right moment.

I've often thought of successful entrepreneurs as individuals who have just the right expertise - at just the right moment - to solve the emerging problems of their time.

The wrong team wanted me, by the way - of course United. I spoke with Van Gaal, and they even made an offer, but for me, it was not the right club and not the right moment.

Ultimately, nobody can decide for you that it's the right moment to quit your job, just like nobody can decide for you that it's the right moment to fall in or out of love.

For me, the great joy is to watch an audience watching what I've made. To hear not a peep from the audience at the right moment, and then to hear the laughs and the cheers.

When you look into someone's eyes, it may be like your connection to self. Two intuitive people, at the right moment, at the right time, could know they're in love at that moment.

In my heart, it is possible that I would like to have an experience in England. I will wait for the right moment. I would like to give my utmost for the Florentines and then leave.

Play the pass at the right moment - not on a dry pitch and not hitting it hard enough. We don't have to accept it; that was a mistake - no goalkeeper should dribble in this situation.

If you have a young student, don't let him take too many punches to the head. There's the right moment to do a hard training, but it can't be every day. A good coach takes care of your student.

People often remark that I'm pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you've got to have talent and know how to use it.

When I was a kid, we played a jump rope game called double Dutch - where you had to jump over two ropes swinging in opposite directions. Picking just the right moment to jump in was a practiced art form.

Beowulf is not a superhero. He has a talent, very much like Clint Eastwood in 'Unforgiven.' He's very good at staying calm in the right moment, but he does bad things. It's very much about having talent in a tight spot.

It's a whole series of accidents that makes a show into a hit. A show can be fantastic and still not be a hit. You just have to hit the Zeitgeist at the right moment, and there are so many factors that you're not in control of.

All things will be produced in superior quantity and quality, and with greater ease, when each man works at a single occupation, in accordance with his natural gifts, and at the right moment, without meddling with anything else.

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