Rocker dudes dont have swagger

All punk rockers hate Christmas.

Honduras fans are true party rockers!

Rocker dudes don't have a lot of swagger.

I liked the Beatles and all the folk rockers.

I've always been fond of the glam-rocker title.

I'm the anti indie-rocker. My stuff isn't ironic.

I always wrote ballads, and I always wrote rockers.

We're bringing together the country folks and the rockers.

You can't be a mod and a rocker. You have to choose sides.

It's funny, because athletes want to be rockers and vice versa.

We have been called old rockers, rock pensioners, and dinosaurs.

Most of our great influences were male rockers, like Led Zeppelin.

Rockers are the nicest people to photograph. They have no inhibitions.

You're too old to still be playing. I'll buy you a rocker you can sit in.

I used to hang out with a bunch of old punk rockers when I was a little kid.

Whatever happened to the tomboy I used to be, the slightly rebellious rocker?

People expect me to me a 'shock rocker,' but there's nothing you can do anymore to be shocking.

In my high school the Mexican cowboys, the chilangos and rancheros, didn't like the punk rockers.

Ric Flair, The Freebirds, and The Rockers were great influences in my decision to become a wrestler.

Back then, I, most rockers loved Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis... you know in the '60s.

Actually, the most entitled people I've met are indie rockers and indie actors, because they really believe their press.

Too many rockers put on the leather pants and shirt first. But if you write good songs, the pants and shirt will follow.

I am flattered to have been the woman to have opened the door for female rockers to be accepted into the mainly male industry.

I want people to focus on listening, not the image. And I want to play to everyone: rednecks, dubstep kids, punk rockers, and people who like as-real-as-it-gets country music.

It was always kind of sad when your favorite punk rockers, like Jello Biafra or someone, would say they hate something you like. It was, 'Oh, I thought we were on the same page.'

I get really tired of hearing of all these old rockers whine and complain about how hard life on the road can be. Just stop if you don't like it. I don't think of it as work. I love it all.

I actually prefer female voices to listen to, mostly, but among the male singers whose voices I like are Jeff Buckley, Art Garfunkel, that sort of voice. Contemporary crooners rather than rockers.

The punk rockers said, 'Learn three chords and form a band.' And we thought, 'Why learn any chords?' We wanted to make music like Ford made cars on the industrial belt. Industrial music for industrial people.

Musically, New York is a big influence on me. Walk down the street for five minutes and you'll hear homeless punk rockers, people playing Caribbean music and reggae, sacred Islamic music and Latino music, so many different types of music.

England was very frustrating in the Seventies for anyone who was trying to wake up. It was visible in punk, in clothes, and in the revival of mods and rockers fighting. All kinds of things were going on that just weren't individual to myself.

Rock and Roll has certainly tried to take its toll on me. I'd rather not talk about my past excesses here, although some hardcore rockers might argue that those excesses were responsible for some great records, but I know which side I came out on.

You've got two sets of teenagers in England - the mods and the rockers. The rockers are motorcycle addicts. The mods dress like we do. We wear four-button jackets, cuban heel boots, shirts of our own design, with high collars and a tab underneath the collar.

I didn't know what to expect when we first started touring behind 'Southeastern' because you don't want to lull anybody to sleep or lose their attention. But it's really been incredible how the crowds seem to be just as excited for the slow, sad songs as they are for the old rockers.

For me, growing up in Detroit, scarves meant cold weather. But I remember working in a store, and we had some silk scarves - like, wide scarves with fringe - and because I had seen the English rockers wearing skinny silk scarves, I took the scarves, cut and sewed them, and made them long - almost like a tie.

One gets the impression that Elvis Presley does what his business advisors think will be most profitable. My advice to them: Put Elvis Presley in the studio with a bunch of good, contemporary rockers, lock the studio up, and tell him he can't come out until he's done made an album that rocks from beginning to end.

The early Stones were adolescent rockers. They were self-conscious in an obvious and unpretentious way. And they were committed to a musical style that needed no justification because it came so naturally to them. As they grew musically the mere repetition of old rock and blues tunes became increasingly less satisfying.

I started making music that I loved and was passionate and excited about, but it was really cool when I started touring to realize it's an extremely diverse group of people who come out. In the front row, I'll have everyone from a little girl in a frilly tutu, to rockers and gamers and older couples. I love it that it's just everybody.

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