'Bottle Rocket' is an underdog.

It's not rocket science to make a movie.

Build a rocket ship and leave the earth!

It's not rocket science. It's social science.

What is pride? A rocket that emulates the stars.

I'm like a rocket - I go a hundred miles per hour.

What I do is not rocket science, but I sure do love it.

Rocket science is tough, and rockets have a way of failing.

Stand back! I gotta get some rocket fuel out of the fridge!

I don't think makeup is rocket science or a cure for cancer.

Like the old Italian saying goes, 'It ain't rocket surgery.'

It turns out it's not rocket science to design a sacred space.

I went to MIT. I do rocket science. Being a mom is much harder.

Childhood trauma is really what puts the rocket fuel behind addiction.

The truth is, every single rocket launch off of planet Earth is risky.

I tell people all the time, I'm Mix-A-Lot. I'm not a rocket scientist.

You need nerves of steel if climbing aboard a rocket is your career path.

Look, the fame rocket is only on the upward trajectory for a limited time.

'SpongeBob,' 'Hey Arnold!,' 'Rocket Power.' I watched all those shows, man.

Rocket engines generally are simpler than jet engines, not more complicated.

I'm not that patient sometimes. I'm like a rocket - I go a hundred miles per hour.

Rocket science has been mythologized all out of proportion to its true difficulty.

I haven't the slightest wish to get in a rocket and zoom through the stratosphere.

I had so many people try to talk me out of starting a rocket company, it was crazy.

If you broke down my technique, it wouldn't really take a rocket scientist to do so.

It's not rocket science. It's not super high technology to construct border barriers.

I even have a Harmony Rocket and a Stratocaster with a scalloped neck back in Florida.

I don't know what metalcore is. I know what rock n' roll is... It's not rocket science.

The space shuttle is a better and safer rocket than it was before the Challenger accident.

'Rocket to Russia' is, I think, my favorite Ramones record. We reached our peak at that point.

Politics is all about relationships, people. A lot of it's emotional. It's not rocket science.

Of all Iraq's rocket scientists, none drew warier scrutiny abroad than Modher Sadeq-Saba Tamimi.

For meals, I'm big into quinoa or rocket salad with a protein like shrimp of chicken added to it.

Listen, one doesn't need to be religious (nor a rocket scientist) to see the value of abstinence.

Women are the routers and amplifiers of the social web. And they are the rocket fuel of ecommerce.

When you launch in a rocket, you're not really flying that rocket. You're just sort of hanging on.

I have long been fond of comparing Workday strategy to the process of sending a rocket to the moon.

People think I'm rich and I'm making all this money off these rocket launches. Hell I'm on Medicaid!

I knew I wasn't going to be a rocket scientist - let's not be fools - but I wasn't going to be a bum.

Harmony Korine is a Rocket Scientist who purposely went on a 8-year vacation to let everyone catch up.

It's really only all about music. It's not like a big rocket scientist kind of philosophy or anything.

I woke up in my apartment one day, about seven years ago and I thought, I'll do the Knievel rocket jump.'

Acting is not rocket science, but it is an art form. What you are doing is illuminating humanity. Or not.

My favorite album would have to be Rocket To Russia. I feel this album has the most classic Ramones songs.

I've been told I sold 110m albums and singles. If that's the case, I should've come here in a space rocket.

If you want a dog, go to your local animal shelter and adopt one. It's not rocket science, it's dog science.

This flat Earth has nothing to do with the steam rocket launches, it never did, it never will. I'm a daredevil!

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out that the South African bowling attack is exceptionally good.

If you're going to go to the moon, you don't shoot the rocket right at the moon. You have to go at it obliquely.

I'm actually a NASA brat. My father was a rocket scientist. He started working at NASA before it was NASA in 1959.

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