Horse racing is animated roulette.

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun

The Quito telephone service is about as reliable as roulette.

I like playing roulette, I like dice. I grew up with gamblers.

You cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it.

You play crotch roulette, you're gonna hit double zero once in a while.

Very few people will roll the dice with their lives. I play Russian roulette.

I've been gambling since the age of 12. Horses, dogs, dice, roulette, you name it.

I might put a couple of quarters in a slot machine, but I don't know how to play roulette.

I just love bikes. It's not the safest passion to have, but I guess it's better than Russian roulette.

I don't play roulette, but it's funny: whenever somebody I know is going to Vegas, I'm like, 'Put it on black.'

If I had the money and the drinking capacity, I'd probably live at a roulette table and let my life go to hell.

Wall Street wants to keep its schemes too complicated to understand so that the roulette wheel can keep turning.

Casino games such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, slot machines and so on, are stacked in favour of the house.

If I gamble, I'll play roulette. My wife and I will play roulette, and that's about it. I'm not a heavy gambler.

In Vegas, I got into a long argument with the man at the roulette wheel over what I considered to be an odd number.

Sure, my uncle killed himself playing Russian Roulette. But I choose to remember him as a great Russian Roulette player.

The Kremlin is constantly changing the rules of the game to suit its purposes. We are not playing chess, we're playing roulette.

This is like playing Russian roulette with a Luger rather than a revolver. One bullet, one chamber - and we're pulling the trigger.

She was a woman attempting to make some sense of, and get some satisfaction from, a life that seemed to have no more logic than a roulette wheel.

Musical chairs or Russian roulette? Sometimes there's as much tense drama in the casting of a Hollywood movie as there is in the finished product.

I just do a random roulette wheel version of what I've recorded or sometimes tunes I haven't recorded. It's a collection of whatever happens, happens.

I generally don't read articles about myself/'Chappelle's Show,' nor do I read reviews. It's basically playing Russian Roulette. They're not all gonna be positive.

I'm glad I don't have a lot of money in the market. And quite frankly, you'd be better off giving your money to a colorblind roulette addict than put it in the stock market.

My life experience has taught me nothing happens by chance. Even the idea of the ball in a roulette game: it's not chance it ends up in a certain place. It's forces that are at play.

The Columbia accident made us realize that we had been playing Russian roulette with the shuttle crews - that we had been very, very fortunate in the past that the foam did not cause critical damage.

At 24 I was a wannabe. I was not a 'former TV presenter' as everybody says - I was a young girl living on a wish, appearing on the roulette channel at 1 am and selling cordless kettles on Channel 953.

I think as far as I've been able to understand from my friends that I went to college with and things like that is that it almost seems like Russian Roulette when you're coming out of the closet to your parents.

Pondering is a little like considering and a little like thinking, but looser. To ponder, one must let the facts roll around the rim of the mind's roulette wheel, coming to settle in whichever slot they feed pulled to.

Filmmaking, I often like to say, is like Russian roulette. You never know what you'll get. The only thing you can do is find solace in the fact that, irrespective of the film's response, you work hard to make the money you do.

His eldest sister (who modestly prefers to be identified here as a Tuckahoe homemaker) has asked me to describe him as looking like 'the blue-eyed Jewish-Irish Mohican scout who died in your arms at the roulette table at Monte Carlo.

Poker isn't the roulette wheel of pure chance, nor is it the chess of mathematical elegance and perfect information. Apart from the underlying mathematics, poker depends on the nuanced reading of human intention, interactions, and deceptions.

Oh, I collect facts and quotes when I can't write, and I can't write most of the time. I do a little chance operation sometimes where I flip through outdated reference books to see if anything will strike me as beautiful or momentous. Library roulette, I call it.

The independents who were our fiercest competitors all succumbed to the one-hit-makes-you-a-genius philosophy. It is a mistake to think you have the magic touch. Show business is roulette. If you start to play for stakes you can't afford, there's no way you can survive.

Your email inbox is a bit like a Las Vegas roulette machine. You know, you just check it and check it, and every once in a while there's some juicy little tidbit of reward, like the three quarters that pop down on a one-armed bandit. And that keeps you coming back for more.

Hollywood is a roulette wheel. Each project dictates what's going to happen for you next, and it doesn't really matter that your project is critically acclaimed or won awards or has fans worldwide. It's a matter of how many movie tickets and DVDs and on-demand movies that you sell.

Screen is satisfying because it's so technical and mysterious. It's like playing roulette: you get a script, you think it's either great or naff, but you have no idea how it will really turn out. On stage, you are your own editor - and you get brief moments of grace, where suddenly you feel free.

Since young people would much rather play fast-action, rapidly advancing video games, and gambling laws for slot machines and roulette tables haven't changed much since the 1950s, look for casinos to build large video game tournament centers and allow people to bet on the action, similar to betting on college basketball.

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