The memory is like a cat scratching my heart.

Cricket often leaves you scratching your head.

I definitely try to go above and beyond with live mixing and scratching.

Give me some scratching, diving, hungry ballplayers who come to kill you.

Shostakovich's final pieces, his quartets, are scratching the surface of another world.

I feel like what we've done in 'Homecoming' is really scratching the surface with Spider-Man.

When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen.

Just scratching the surface. It's just the beginning. I'm still young. I've got a lot of time to grow.

I'm terribly bad at lying in real life. I flush, look away, do the scratching of the nose, or whatever.

To me, movies is just scratching the surface for the work. There are people who are so, so great at that.

It is not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole world to the scratching of my finger.

When I see people scratching and clawing towards ambition and greed, I wonder why they are doing it and for what.

Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching around for what it gets.

If there's a loose ball, dive on the floor. If you can take a charge, do that. The playoffs are all about scratching. Whatever it takes.

We're barely scratching the surface of how people experience and utilize p2p payments, despite it being a multi-millennium-old behavior.

This is how sad my life is: I got a scar from scratching my chicken pox too much. That's my big scar story. I really have no major scars.

In Hollywood, I was used to being on a dirty old sound stage, and the whole crew is just scratching themselves. They don't care who you are.

There's a misconception that Lyft is just a better version of the taxi. You know, I think that's just scratching the surface of what we're doing.

I was never good at scratching, but I was good at collecting old records. Florida was a great place for that, because it's where people go to die.

My kids love vinyl, I had to teach them how to put the needle on the records. Now they're worried about scratching the records, but it's incredible!

In global warming, I think everyone is scratching their heads - are there technological things that can be brought to bear that can make a difference?

Some people are probably scratching their heads and saying, How did that happen? That's because some of the media didn't give the public the full story.

When we were making the law, when we were writing the literature and the mathematics the grandfarthers of Blair and little Bush were scratching around in caves.

My scratching I don't really think communicates to intelligent life forms. Anyone with more than one brain cell would think Kid Koala music is completely retarded.

Writing is like a 'lust,' or like 'scratching when you itch.' Writing comes as a result of a very strong impulse, and when it does come, I, for one, must get it out.

You always have to reset your volume for the venue you are in. Sometimes the tubes can have you scratching your head because they react differently at different volumes.

I think the most hectic time in my house is about six o'clock in the morning, our sausage dog starts howling and barking and scratching to wake us all up - no alarms needed.

Buying coffee on the street instead of in a Starbucks is the poor man's way to get rich. In other words, you will never get rich by scratching out ten cents from your dollar.

My speed as a tall guy is deceptive. You look at me and I might not look fast, but when I go out and play, people are left scratching their heads like 'Where did that come from?'

Batman has what is quite possibly the best rogues' gallery every created. People who have never read a comic can name half a dozen of his foes, and that's barely scratching the surface.

The first four months of writing the book, my mental image is scratching with my hands through granite. My other image is pushing a train up the mountain, and it's icy, and I'm in bare feet.

The garden is a living, pulsing, singing, scratching, warring, erotic, and generally rowdy thing. I may find peace in its midst, but I regard it as a whole with many parts, a plural organism.

I've gotten better every year. I'm only going to continue to get better and better, and I'm just scratching the surface. I'm 25 years old, and I've been hooping at a high level for a long time.

Some people aren't touchy-feely, but I grew up in a family where you'd walk into the family room and there'd be five people on the couch with an arm here, an arm there, everyone scratching and taking turns.

With digital, you do have the advantage of having an absolutely rock steady image because there's no projector gate, no perforations, no film weaving through a machine. And there's no dust and no scratching.

I love watching amazing actors and actresses that you can't take your eyes off of because everything they are doing - even if it is just twiddling their thumbs or scratching their eye - it's just interesting.

The whole industry is changing because so many people watch things on DVR, and they watch things on other platforms, and I think everybody is kind of scratching their heads about how this is going to play out.

It was a real honor to be able to work with someone like that that I've been watching since I was a kid. I mean, to play his brother left some people scratching their heads but something about it really worked.

There is a scene in the movie with DJ Cutkiller, one of the biggest European DJs from France, and he was scratching like crazy. When I saw that, I was 14, and I was like, 'Yo that's what I want to do. That's crazy.'

There were nine children in my father's family and eight in my mother's. My grandparents did the best with what they had. After the Depression, they were scratching out a living and working hard. They kept the family going.

I don't have session players come in and guitars, I'm doing the drums, I'm doing the scratching, I'm doing every sound you hear and that's always been my way. And not only that, I'm very meticulous about it just sounding right.

I went to a girls' school, and it was awful. The combination of my teenage anger and their jealousy meant I was always getting into fights. There was a lot of pulling of hair and scratching of faces and rolling around on the floor.

I think it's in our nature to try to get beyond that next horizon. I think that when we, as a species, are scratching that itch, we're actually following an evolutionary compulsion that is wired into us. I think good things come of it.

The vast majority of terrestrial species are in fact microbes, and scientists have only begun scratching the surface of the microbial realm. It is entirely possible that examples of life as we don't know it have so far been overlooked.

Many of my friends and family are scratching it out somewhere decidedly south of the ever widening gap between the haves and have nots, looking at losing their homes, colleges they can't afford and healthcare they can't avail themselves of.

I have OCD and, literally, walking on the left, needing things to be in even numbers with few exceptions. One and seven, any number that ends in seven, that's all me. All the tics like the pulling of the ear and scratching of the palms, all me.

We've got a bunch of guys who have been travelling around the world for over 10 years, scratching and clawing, fighting, just trying to live their dream, just trying to prove people wrong, just trying to show that we belong, and that's kind of the essence of NXT.

The Premier League is a wonderful league, the best league in the world, and there are a lot of clubs who overachieve and they overachieve massively. Because of results they get pushed down instead of people scratching the surface and seeing what is really happening.

If I were God, I would just be up there scratching my head, thinking, 'What the hell am I supposed to do with this?' For everyone helping an old lady across the street, there's someone else bludgeoning a person to death. And sometimes they're the same. How can He separate us all out?

I think we're just scratching the surface. One of the most exciting aspects of 23andMe is that we're enabling you to watch a revolution unfold live during your lifetime, and I think that the decoding of the genome, in my opinion, is the most fascinating discovery of our lifetime, and you get to be part of it.

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